This is the third (and final) installment in the Red Rising saga. But a new book is coming out in January (Iron Gold), taking place ten years after the events of Morning Star.
I don’t know why I did not pick this up earlier. I’ve read Golden Son in January 2016 and absolutely loved it and was so excited about Morning Star. But I have no idea why I did not buy it straight away and it took me a whole year to decide to buy it (then almost another year to decide to read it…). Anyway, I finally picked it up and this book was a hell of a ride.
I have to admit that I was a bit confused at the beginning and had to read recaps of Red Rising and Golden Son. I still had difficulty with character’s names; I often read the book with the Red Rising Wiki open on my phone. But as soon as I was a bit more comfortable with all the names, I could not stop. So many things happened here and it gave me all the chills.
This book is full of amazing complex characters; you cannot hate all the "villains", nor like all the "good people". They all have so many qualities and as many flaws, I just can’t pick one favourite. I love them all.
I love how war is depicted, it not the utopist thing I’m used to in most (YA) books. War is cruel and it takes many sacrifices when you want to rebuild a society. I loved how the author handled this whole concept in the book.
So many things surprised me, I cannot count the times I thought “I did not see that coming!”. Especially towards the end of the book, there is this ginormous plot twist when I almost banged my head on the wall (true story, I had to stop reading for at least 10minutes).
I definitely recommend this series to anybody who loves science fiction and YA. It is a bit more complex than most YA books I’m used to, but not as complex as “non-YA” sci-fi books. It’s really an amazing series where friendship finds all its meanings. It is full of brutality and raw emotions that will leave you speechless.
(THE ENDING!!! :o )