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review 2018-10-30 15:48
Gods and Monsters: Mythbreaker
Mythbreaker (Gods and Monsters Book 2) - Stephen Blackmoore

*Disclaimer: I received a copy of this book through Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.*

Fitz has stolen money from his drug dealing boss. Fitz is also what is called a 'Chronicler', someone with the gift of hearing the voices of gods, something he's always put down to hallucinations. He learns that he the only Chronicler left and as such a hot commodity within the 'god' community. He's on the run being aided by the god of the internet in an effort to stop the ultimate bad guy gaining control of him and therefore humanity.

Urban fantasy that was a lot of fun, lots of black humour and the mythology interwoven into the plot was done well, keeping me engaged in the story in moments when the action was lighter.

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review 2014-12-28 08:14
Daomu - Colin D. Johnson,Ken Chou,Kennedy Xu

Disclaimer: I received a copy of this book through Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.


Sean watches as his father is killed before him, in the aftermath of his death he learns that his father was part of a secret society who protect ancient tombs from raiders. His uncle initiates him into the dangerous world of underground tombs where nothing is quite what it seems and he soon realises that no one can be trusted, not even his uncle as he is pushed into fulfilling his birthright as leader of the Daomu.


Although I have limited experience in graphic novels, this one has the most amazing art of anything I've viewed before. In a word it is stunning. The colours are muted but still vibrant and the amount of detail in each panel is absolutely astounding. Since I viewed this through a ebook file I would imagine the hardcover version coming out in Feb 2015 would be jaw droppingly good.


The story was quite complex and kept me on my toes, there are quite a few twists and turns as we learn along with Sean who is to be trusted and who is not. Sean is a fairly engaging character, neither too perfect not too bratty to get behind and I was completely invested in how his story would end.


The mythology used in this is also fascinating and anything that has lots of monsters and beasties gets the thumbs up from me.


One of the best graphic novels I've viewed and I highly recommend this.

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review 2014-12-28 07:51
The Blacksmith
The Blacksmith - Susan Shultz

Disclaimer: I received a copy of this book through Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.


Ainsley has suffered her share of heartache and now believes that her heart is dead, she spends her time tending to the graveyard at the back of her grandmother's property and conversing with the dead at night. Her last chance at happiness may be her relationship with Sam but dare she share her dark secrets with him.


This seemed like a good premise but I don't think the author really has a strong enough story in this. The main character isn't very relatable, she comes across as very flat at times although there were some nice scenes with a ghost as they bond over motherhood.


I also don't really understand why this is called The Blacksmith as his character is the one you learn least about, you're not told how he died and why his relationship with Ainsley is so controlling. It may be that this is all in Ainsley's head and that The Blacksmith only serves as something for her to excuse herself of accountability for her violent acts.


There are themes of loneliness and isolation but these are not well explored with the author simply repeating info instead of digging a bit deeper into Ainsley's character. It's quite a short read so perhaps I'm expecting too much but this didn't grab me enough to want to continue the series.

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review 2014-12-23 11:04
Battlestar Galactica Volume 2: The Adama Gambit
Battlestar Galactica Volume 2: The Adama Gambit - Dan Abnett,Robert Place Napton,Deitrich Smith

Disclaimer: I received a copy of this book through Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.


Based on the old series, an electrical storm sees them going off course and encountering some strange goings on, many of the crew are having unsettling dreams of the 13th Colony, more commonly known as earth. They are still being pursued by the Cyclons and Commander Adama begins to doubt his usefulness as a leader when he puts the crew in jeopardy over his obsession with earth. Two other stories centre around the aftermath of the battle with the Cylons and feature young Boxley and the origins of villainous Balter are revealed.


To start off with the bad, the art was all over the place in the first couple of issues. Some of the drawing was terrible, it was as though a pre schooler had drawn the characters features. It was so inconsistent that I nearly put this down and DNF'd, however due to the engaging storyline I kept reading and thankfully the art vastly improved although I've certainly viewed graphic work that I enjoyed more.


The draw card for this was the story itself, the battle with the Cylons was done well, keeping me flicking the pages to see what happened next. I loved the storyline about Commander Adama having a crisis of faith in his abilities, when he finally put himself into action it made it all the better. The story with Boxley was a nice inclusion that dealt with the reality of war and the sacrifices that people make for what it right, I really liked this one, it was kind of touching and added a little more depth to the story.


Apart from the issues with the artwork I did really enjoy this one, much more than I expected to.



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review 2014-12-23 10:45
Red City
Red City - Daniel Corey,Mark Dos Santos

Disclaimer: I received a copy of this book through Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

Interplanetary investigator, Cal Talmage, is given a job to find a missing girl, the daughter of an important diplomat. Mars Central, the Red City, is being used as the focal point for a new treaty between Venus and Mars but if Cal doesn't put the pieces together quickly the treaty may be used to sanctify genocide.

This is an entertaining mix of sci-fi and PI noir with lots of twists and turns in the story to keep you guessing about who is really behind the conspiracy. Cal is an engaging enough character and his feisty sidekick, Angel provides some nice support and also adds into the mystery of what is happening as she seems to have her own agenda.

The art was a bit mixed, I liked it but issues 3-4 look very different to 1-2. It was a bit jarring and did pull me out of the story but it didn't ruin my enjoyment of the read.

A nice mix of hard boiled noir and sci-fi. The art should have been more consistent but it didn't spoil it for me.

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