Three stars is misleading. This book was really more of a two and a half star novel. The real mystery surrounding Bruno, the "miracle child", wasn't all that mysterious. I had that mystery solved almost as soon as it presented itself. I give Carr credit for creating a character like Bruno. He really was a troll. However, Damask, the novel's protagonist fell flat. Every time some new twist presented itself to Damask I found myself quoting one Tony Kornheiser, "I believe I had that". Everything just became so predictible. I quickly found myself scanning until I came to the end just for the satisfaction of knowing I was right. I am not sure if I will continue with Carr's Daughters of England novels. I find myself much more entertained by The Morland Series by [a:Cynthia Harrod-Eagles|130|Cynthia Harrod-Eagles|] if I'm looking for a series that spans one family's heritage across English history.