OMG you guys. Seriously this book is so amazing. I sill can’t get over it!!
Plot: This story carries on where the last book left on. If you have not read the Bloodlines series then what are you waiting for? GO and read it. Also, you don’t have to read the VA series either. The plot moves rather quickly and changes pov between Syndey/Adrian. Both pov flow well with plenty of drama. Believe me when I say you’ll love it.
Syndey/Adrian: Because of their current position both struggle a lot. I admit that I was a bit mad at Adrian with his behavior but I forgave him at the end. All I have to say about Syndey is that girl is strong. She kept her head up, no matter what she went through, believing till the end.
Ending: This ending is seriously like no other. EPIC!! When I was reading the last few chapters I was giggling, smiling ear to ear and of course, taking every page in like my favorite ice cream. Seriously soooo good! Even now while writing this I can’t stop smiling.
I want more. This story has just hit another point where I can not get enough. Silver Shadows takes it to a whole other level. The love, the fighting, the drama all leading up to one surprising ending!!