My Thoughts - 5 out of 5 Unicorns - I loved it!!
***I choose what I read and review based on what intrigues me!!
The cover is deceiving because you think you are looking at the Guardian, but you are not! Tricky Tricky!
This is the 5th book in the series, and it is for adults only due to the steamy content. I highly recommend reading the series in order because the characters are much better when you understand them through their own book story :)
This book departs from tradition, and I loved it! I was very confused in the beginning, but I don’t usually read the blurbs because I like to be surprised. And I was surprised!
At first I thought Drum was a tool, but he was protective where his family was concerned which I admired. I think he didn’t realize how much potential he had in the wake of his mom and sisters’ talents and thinking his was nothing of value and only a parlor trick. I grow fond of him especially his protective streak. Ash is a typical warrior and also more lost than most Guardians due to the circumstance surrounding her. She is just as protective as Drum, and it makes for entertainment for sure! Of course, I really loved when Kylie and Wynn joined with snarky conversations that are most amusing. I couldn’t put this book down, and I’m sick as a dog right now!
I highly recommend this book and series to all readers to love rock hard men…and woman….get your minds out of the gutters…gargoyles rule! You definitely want to read if you love Christine’s work too! I can’t wait to see what Christine sculpts next!