Title: The Honeypot Chronicles 1.5 Extra Sticky
Author: R. Marlaan Rush
Publisher: R. M. R.
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Rating: Five
"The Honeypot Chronicles 1.5" by R. Marlaan Rush
My Synopsis...
When I was asked by this author would I read her novel and give a review I naturally said yes because that is what I do... read and review novels all genres. Some I like more than others but I take the novel ... read it and see if if answers all of my questions from start to finish. I did so for this 'extra sticky novel [yummy] and was pleased to find that this author did a wonderful job at giving the reader a good erotica novel. The Five stories...From "The Girlfriend Experience" featuring Evan's and Kimberlie [Kimmy], "Wet Pearls" featuring Esau & Charmaine, "The Goddess Treatment" featuring Isaura, [Ben], Deka, & Lesedi finding all that included 'shapes, color and age.' "Stroking Midnight" featuring NKimo, Saraina & Elysia, "Pose For Me" featuring Sebastien & Eva. I found all of the stories were short and to the point and well delivered to the reader by this author. Please remember reader these are erotica reads so I will say I found them all on point and really a good read especially if you are into this type of genre read where you will find these chapters 'hot and yes steamy too.'
I especially loved being able to read these short erotic stories in one setting and being written very tastefully for the reader where you may let your mind wonder in any imagination that one may want and yes 'Extra Sticky!'
I will say once you start reading you will not want to put it down these sexy scenes until the end with each story being definitely a attention grabber. Oh, by the way all of my questions were answered from the start to the finish.