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This is a short story that is a great Halloween read. It was a quick read, but it is filled with some thrilling scenes.
Chloe’s family can cast curses. Or at least that is what her mom keeps telling her. She is more of a skeptic. She has moved four time in four years. It is now her senior year and she is moving after school has started. She really feels like an outsider this year. All she wants is to be invited to the event of the year in the small town, Kim’s Halloween party. However, she hasn’t gotten an invite. Come to find out, her invite was delivered to the wrong house. So now she is scrambling to go to the party.
Kim’s Halloween party is a big deal in this little town every year. However, this year, there isn’t that many people that come. There is a hurricane headed in their direction. It was supposed to head back out to sea, but the storm is still pretty bad. Many people stay home. Chloe wasn’t going to pass up the chance to finally spend some time with her new school mates. That is until things start to go all wrong.
Chloe’s mom calls to say that her grandfather overheard them talking can cursed the party for not inviting his granddaughter. It starts off with the storm getting worse and the power and phones going out. Neither landlines or cellphones seem to be working. At this point, Chloe doesn’t even believe that there is a curse, but eventually, she has no choice but to believe.
I won’t go into any more of the details and spoil what all happens. Let’s just say that it gets quite hectic. Kim’s parents are at the party, but they are quickly dispatched to deal with one of the issues, which leaves the high school seniors to deal with all the weirdness on their own. They all have to make some hard choices. Aaron, one of the boys that starts off a quite the jerks, really steps up in the end and helps Chloe through some tough things. I ended up liking him in the end.
I enjoyed this as a quick Halloween read going into the season. If you’re looking for a Halloween read, this is an enjoyable read. *I keep wanting to use the word “fun”, but that really doesn’t describe a horror book very well does it? Maybe “thrilling” is the word I’m looking for.
**Book was provided to me by the author. This review is my opinion and was not requested or provoked in anyway by the author.
This was a fun light-hearted read with a mix of urban fantasy and romance. No there is no graphic sex scenes that're talked about, so I wouldn't classify it as PNR. It's definitely more the build up of emotions, pretty much the real deal romance. There were some really funny parts as well as some more serious "investigation" going on. My favorite part was the fact these girls were nurses and not cops, or detectives, or PIs. Each of the sisters had their own unique gift which made them a pretty tough group to beat. I really liked the cohesiveness and the sisterly bonds that easily came through in the story. I'm going to stick with the series, and definitely would recommend to peeps with similar tastes.
My Initial Reaction...
I've been really curious about this series for a while, so when it was one of the books on the list for book club, I decided to give it a go. I really enjoyed the sisterly interactions in Sealed With A Curse, but I never really got that invested in the plot or characters. It was an okay, quick read.
The Narration...
Renée Chambliss was a B, B+ narrator for me. Her voices worked really well for the female characters and, generally speaking, really well for the male characters as well. There were a few moments where she gave the "villains" these really weird voices that I did not like at all. I think I would give her another shot to see if she's a better narrator with a book that I get into more.
The Characters...
The Wird Sisters worked for me as a group - when they were interacting as sisters, but I don't think I was crazy about them as individuals.They each had a very dominant, over-the-top quality and never really seemed like complete individuals. Sealed With A Curse is told from the point of view of Celia, the eldest Wird sister and she's a bit more complete than the others. I loved her magical ability - she's a Tigress, sort of - and I liked the way she was the super protective older sister. But that really loops back around to me liking her in her role as sister, not individual. She's not very experienced romantically because she's given up a lot to care for her sisters. This works as a trait, but it was pounded into me over and over.
Her other sisters were even less complete. Taran, the second eldest Wird sister, is loud, pushy, and resembles a powder keg. Emme Wird is sweet, timid and shy. Finally there's Shayna Wird who is basically your surfer girl - hyper, fun-loving, and calls everyone dude. Their magical abilities were also pretty great, but their personalities were just one-dimensional. As sisters, though, they worked. I loved seeing their interactions and the way the teased or looked after each other, whatever the case may be.
I also really didn't get into the male characters that were supposed to make me weak in the knees. Aric, the local sexy full-blooded Were was fine. He didn't get me all excited and he didn't bother me. He just was. Same thing with Mircea, the local vampire lord that Celia and her sisters are helping. His sexiness and the way his vampires dressed/behaved (girls in school uniforms, nurse outfits...) was just too in your face for me.
So the characters were like the book... ok.
The Story...
Like the characters, the story for Sealed With A Curse worked for me in some ways and really fell flat in others. I liked the magical world that Cecy Robson developed and I absolutely loved the unique magical characteristics of the Wird sisters - who get their powers not because they were born from magical parents or turned or something, but because they were part of a curse gone wrong. So they really don't have names for what they are. That was cool. And led to some pretty cool action sequences.
What didn't work was the mystery itself. Someone within the vampire community made a bid for power by infecting vampires with the blood lust virus (think current season of True Blood and the Hepatitis V). Mircea's vampires are the first being attacked and he calls on the Wird sisters for help. That in itself was fine. What blew was that I knew from the very first instance who was responsible. It was so incredibly obvious! I think Sealed With A Curse depends so much on stereotypes and one dimensional characteristics that picking out who done it was equally stereotypical. Oh well, I still enjoyed the action and the world.
Concluding Sentiments...
In the end, I did enjoy the sisterly elements, the world and the action in Sealed With A Curse. I probably won't be rushing to read the next book in the series anytime soon, but I'm glad I finally got a chance to see what's up with the Wird Sisters.