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Search tags: Soul-Screamers
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text 2018-02-03 04:35
Reading progress update: I've read 78%.
My Soul to Keep - Rachel Vincent

"He dug in, and I watched, amused by the thought that Death had a sweet tooth."

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text 2018-02-03 02:38
Reading progress: 9%.
My Soul to Keep - Rachel Vincent

This paranormal or urban fantasy series has some interesting worldbuilding and I like the heroine's sense of self and maturity -- which usually makes up for the too-young-fir-me-high-school setting with some mean girls.  This entry is edging toward my impatience with some high school stuff and turning a blind eye to what some boys get by with.


I feel this, though:

"From noon to four, we’d be selling tickets and serving popcorn at the Cinemark in the never-ending quest for gas money. Which we spent going to and from work. It was a vicious cycle."

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text 2017-05-29 01:32
Reading progress: I've read 91%.

Yup.  A weird Wednesday when - 




My Soul to Save - Rachel Vincent  My Soul to Save - Rachel Vincent  

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text 2017-05-29 00:31
Reading progress: 76%.
My Soul to Save - Rachel Vincent

Enjoying the read still.  Somehow I doubt chocolate will make up for the TSTL chances they are taking.


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text 2017-05-28 05:06
Reading progress: 46%.
My Soul to Save - Rachel Vincent

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