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text 2023-10-17 17:48
"Piaty Beatles" Mariusz Czubaj (Polski Psychopata 04)
Piąty beatles - Mariusz Czubaj "Niespodziewanie spotykamy kogoś na naszej drodze. Wszystko jedno, nazwijmy to przeznaczeniem. Lub przypadkiem. I to spotkanie przesądza o naszym życiu" "Piąty Beatles" jest czwartym tomem z cyklu kryminalnego z Rudolfem Heinzem w roli głównej. I trzeba przyznać, że tomem bardzo udanym, z misternie uknutą intrygą, świetnie skonstruowanymi postaciami i dopracowanym tłem. Akcja jest mocno osadzona w czasoprzestrzeni. Ramy czasowe wyznaczają rzeczywiste wydarzenia, jak choćby wspomniany mecz Polska-Rosja czy tragedia himalaistów na Broad Peak. Prowadząc śledztwo, Heinz przemieszcza się po całym kraju, a my możemy ruszyć jego śladem. Heinz będąc na szkoleniu w Pile zostaje przypadkowo włączony w śledztwo dotyczące dziwnego morderstwa młodego chłopaka. Chłopak okazuje się być synem znanego biznesmena ze Śląska. Wszystkie tropy podjęte przez Heinza prowadzą donikąd. Do czasu drugiego morderstwa - dość dziwnego...z odniesieniem do Beatlesów. Krąg się zacieśnia. Puzzle zaczynają wskakiwać na swoje miejsca. Profiler nawet nie przypuszcza jaki obrót przybierze sprawa, która zajmie mu prawie dwa lata i okaże się ostatnią w jego karierze. Postaci są dokładnie takie, jakie powinny być, by uznać je za wiarygodne. Niejednoznaczne, nie bez wad, charakterystyczne, wzbudzające emocje. Heinz oczywiście wysuwa się na pierwszy plan, ze swoją miłością do muzyki i ignorancją dotyczącą portali społecznościowych czy technicznych nowinek. Historia kryminalna, która mogła wydarzyć się wszędzie, Nie zaskakuje, ale też nie nuży, jest dobra, a przede wszystkim realna. Bohater nieco sarkastyczny, ironiczny, jak taki dinozaur, ale odnajdujący się we współczesnym świecie. Jeśli ktoś spodziewa się petardy - zawiedzie się, jeśli ktoś szuka dobrego solidnego kryminału na niedzielne popołudnie niech przeczyta. Jak ja lubię rzeczy, miejsca i zdarzenia, które znam osobiście i widziałam na własne oczy. Tak właśnie dzieje się w książkach z komisarzem Heinzem. Czyta się dobrze, szybko. No i lubię bohaterów tworzonych przez Mariusza Czubaja. Tacy normalni i pozytywni. Polecam.
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text 2020-06-20 18:34
The Beatles IF I FELL Funky Remix

Having fun jamming with the greatest band of all time, the Fab Four! Enjoy this new take on their classic love IF I FELL from their 3rd studio album "A Hard Days Night" released on July 10, 1964.

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review 2020-04-21 15:19
Inspired By The Beatles: An Art Quilt Challenge
Inspired by the Beatles: An Art Quilt Challenge - Donna DeSoto

by Donna Marcinkowski DeSoto


This is a book of textile art, filled with beautiful pictures of quilts that were inspired by over 100 Beatles songs.


The quilts show an incredible about of originality and artistic skill in both ideas and execution. The full color photographs are accompanied by explanations of the artists and what inspired them to make the quilts that they did, and what The Beatles' songs mean to them. They range from the literal to the abstract, from whimsical designs like one of my favorites made for the song And Your Bird Can Sing to some that use mental symbols like the one for Come Together.


Each of them is unique and they show a wide variety of styles and interpretations by the individual artists. Some of them, like the one for Day Tripper, have the most amazing use of color and detail work.


I have to admit that the songs were going through my head as I looked through the pictures and by the time I got to I Am The Walrus, the combination of music and colorful, abstract art was bringing me into a sort of natural high!


Some of them, like Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds were hand painted (presumably with fabric paints) and the result of the mixed mediums of painting and stitchery was pretty spectacular. Octopus's Garden was definitely a favorite along with Yellow Submarine. Any of these quilts would be worth a fortune and a real conversation piece for the home.


This is an art book with a difference, and I would recommend it to anyone who enjoys art as well as those who specifically enjoy the infinite possibilities of textile art.

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text 2020-04-08 17:19
Don't Make This Silly Mistake With Your SEO Liverpool

George's Chants of Peace and Inspiration

My Sweet Lord, a tune composed by one of the Fab Four, George Harrison, was his very first single as a solo artist. In the mid-1950s, he satisfied Paul McCartney, similarly a Liverpool Institute trainee, and later played lead guitar in the band called the Quarry Men, that ultimately ended up being The Beatles.

My Sweet Lord was the very first leading hit Harrison after the Beatles separated in 1970. The night after Harrison died, My Sweet Lord was re-released in the UK, where it when again went to number one. Earnings from the single went to the Material World Charitable Foundation, which Harrison started in 1973 to support charities that work with children and the bad.

East satisfies West

Harrison's My Sweet Lord has to do with the http://www.bbc.co.uk/search?q=Liverpool Eastern religious beliefs that he was studying at that time. The Hare Krishna Mantra, All Things Must Pass, Living in the Material World and Chants of India, are some of the songs that directly expose that he was greatly influenced by Hinduism, especially the Krishna method which promotes love for God and humankind.

His other tune, "Awaiting on You All" glorifies yoga, which is practiced not just for exercise and better health, nevertheless also as a sort of spiritual workout that incorporates body and soul, or, as some describe it as-- meditation in motion. The tune "Living in the Material World," searches for a deep yearning from the materialistic world of the West through total commitment to Lord Krishna, the creator of the world, a minimum of, according to Hinduism. "That Which I Have Lost" from the album Somewhere in England reminds the listener of the principles of Gita, the spiritual book of the Hindus. All these tunes expose a deep rooted love towards Hinduism that existed in the mind and soul of George Harrison.

With the effect of Eastern mysticism, Harrison included a new taste to his music that was extremely distinct from the music of the Beatles. In 1967, The Beatles discovered Transcendental Meditation or TM in Rishikesh, India under the guidance of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, the developer of the TM program.

The TM Experience

Transcendental Meditation is a Hindu-based motion that has actually acquired appeal in the United States and in other parts of the world. TM technique is a simple, natural, uncomplicated treatment where the mind easily and naturally appears at the source of idea, the settled state of the mind called Transcendental Consciousness. Over 500 scientific research study studies carried out during the previous Click here for more 25 years in more than 200 independent universities and research study institutes in 30 countries have exposed that the TM strategy advantages all areas of an individual's life: mind, environment, body, and habits.

Harrison's Chanting Found Him Peace

George, who was understood as "The peaceful Beatle," was well-liked by the people not only in India nevertheless similarly the typical people of the East. He later accepted the Hare http://query.nytimes.com/search/sitesearch/?action=click&contentCollection&region=TopBar&WT.nav=searchWidget&module=SearchSubmit&pgtype=Homepage#/Liverpool Krishna tradition and attempted to live a basic and plain life. When he passed away, he left an amazing amount of 20 million pounds for the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON).

In Easter culture, the objective of life is not to build up wealth nevertheless to lead a spiritual life that includes the chanting of mantras. The sound of the sitar brings a sense of quiet peace and it is genuinely harmonic. This musical instrument produces consistency and prepares the mind for meditation. George Harrison discovered https://www.washingtonpost.com/newssearch/?query=Liverpool peace and convenience in

My Sweet Lord, a song written by one of the Fab Four, George Harrison, was his very first single as a solo artist. My Sweet Lord was the very first top hit Harrison after the Beatles separated in 1970. Benefit from the single went to the Material World Charitable Foundation, which Harrison began in 1973 to support charities that deal with kids and the bad.

All these songs expose a deep rooted love towards Hinduism that existed in the mind and soul of George Harrison.

George Harrison found peace and convenience in

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review 2017-05-15 00:00
Dreaming the Beatles: The Love Story of One Band and the Whole World
Dreaming the Beatles: The Love Story of ... Dreaming the Beatles: The Love Story of One Band and the Whole World - Rob Sheffield https://msarki.tumblr.com/post/160690210793/dreaming-the-beatles-the-love-story-of-one-band

It was never a pressing need for me to read any book about the Beatles. Born in northern Michigan in a small fishing town back in 1953, I grew up with them. It feels like only yesterday when as a thirteen year-old boy I made my way downtown to Loeffler’s Electronics to pick up my pre-ordered copy of Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Heart’s Band. It felt like precious cargo walking home with that LP tucked under my arm. When I placed it on the turntable in the basement a new world opened up for me. I had never heard anything like what my ears were now experiencing. These British pop stars had turned a new corner, one that was in some ways expected based on where their music had been going. But change is slow coming to a little town up north on Lake Huron. And I would never again be the same after my entire Beatle experience.

Dreaming the Beatles is a collection of essays telling the story of what this band means to a generation who grew up with the Beatles music on their parents’ stereos and their faces on T-shirts. I cannot imagine what that might have been like. I grew up in a home where even the mention of the Beatles was prohibited. The band’s first appearance on the Ed Sullivan Show was cause for the future downfall of our country’s youth. My father was the president of our local School Board and the Iosco County News headlines one day soon after the first British Invasion abhorrently read, “Sarki says there will be no Beatles haircuts in Tawas Area Schools.” For years my three brothers and I were marshaled down to the basement for our customary two-week butch haircut. There we would squirm as our father cut away with his motorized shears, nicking our necks until they bled with regularity. But by the time Sgt. Pepper’s was issued there was no longer much that old Dad could do. Bangs were in and his boys were defiantly wearing them. Of course, I had a cowlick that prohibited a proper look. My style was more in tune with today’s spiked hair, except mine scrambled anywhere it wanted to except straight down.

As was predicted, mind-expanding drugs were introduced into my small town and the destruction of our youth became imminent. The Vietnam War certainly had something to do with it. Some of us survived. The Beatles for us were an everyday occurrence. Nothing existed without the Beatles’ mark upon it. Everything they said or did was reported and discussed. Hence the need for no further reading in a book about them. But now, so many years later, this title interested me. And the memories it brought forth were worth my time in reading it. The generations that came after ours have, and will have, their own set of experiences. But they will never be like our moments were back then, when British pop exploded in our bodies. And then it expanded and morphed into a world of psychedelic music, changing our minds forever, and opening us lucky ones to something bigger, more promising, and positively brighter. So come bless these boys in the band, and their passing that now-eternal audition.
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