Marianne decides to explore 12 popular self-help books over 12 months at the beginning of one year and discovers that they're not always helpful.
If you're like me you've read a lot of self-help books and occasionally taken a few pieces of advice from them before inertia and time spent doing other things moves you away from the book. I keep meaning to do a Kondo-esque tidy but it would require more of my energy than I'm willing to devote to it. I do question if it sparks joy of things I'm putting away and I've removed a few things from my house as I'm asking that question. (I also remind myself that I deserve better than the things that don't work on my skin or in my life etc.). I also listen to the excellent By the Book Podcast and often agree with a lot of their points about the ones I've read.
The Books she chooses are: Feel the Fear and do it anyway; Money a love story; The Secret; F**k it: the ultimate spiritual way; Angels with Doreen Virtue; 7 Habits of Highly effective people; Power of Now; Get the Guy; Daring Greatly and You can heal your life. She strugles with depression and becoming a bit of a self-centred ass for a while and all the time her very Irish mammy trys to steer her on a good path.
Like me she finds things that resonate in books and sometimes she obsesses a bit and I couldn't abandon my life for a year like she did to look inward but by the end she's less broken, mostly by connecting with the people who are real in her life.