An absolutely heart wrenching tale. I believe this book is often advertised as some sort of paranormal love story, but it is far more than just that. In fact, the “love story” within this novel is much more complex than being what most are probably used to. I honestly don’t believe I’ve ever read a tale similar to that of A Witch’s Daughter. It's has an incredibly unique premiss and is written in an further unique manner (much like a journal, which jumps back and forth from present day and the past). In this respect, I feel as if the storyline itself should be appreciated, as many novels have appeared to become mere replications of an other in recent years.
The plot is phenomenal. The events, in my opinion, are surprising and not too overly predictable. I gasped and cringed several types while reading as there are so many traumatic events compiled into this relatively small novel, it is a wonder that my mind remains intact after reading. And I truly loved the historical aspect as it is written over several centuries and varying locations.
However, there were, in fact, a few scenarios were things appeared to have just, oh so conveniently, happened. Not that they were necessarily predictable but simply much to timely or appropriate for our leading characters. Additionally, a few of these particular events too appeared to have been built up incredulously just to be sped through the finale. The story itself was so enthralling, but this type of built up just to be rushed through an ending led to quite a bit of disappointment. If anything I would have preferred a little less built up if it led to the big showdown I was hoping for.
Furthermore, I craved so much more in terms of character development. I felt as if I learned so much about the main character and very little about anyone else, despite the obvious opportunity to do so (especially in relation to the story’s antagonist).
Nonetheless, like I said, the story was truly captivating. I truly enjoyed reading A Witch’s Daughter and could not wait to continue the story whenever I was forced to put it down. The plot itself is a purely true story, one in which I could image being told over centuries and being passed down from one generation to another. The novel had a very folklore essence about it, the events seem frighteningly possible yet utterly unreal.
Overall, this particular novel has sparked my interest in both Ms. Brackston’s other work(s) and further stories regarding witches (and other spooking, paranormal characters)! I definitely do not regret reading it and wish so much to be able to rate it more as it really did entertain me.