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review 2014-08-05 05:17
Love Notes - Heather Gunter


why yes, I cheated and just edited screencaps of OTH for my edit

I quite enjoyed this book. It was a much needed change of pace from my usual erotic romances that I welcomed it with opened arms. Whilst Love Notes wouldn't win any awards for originality, I was still charmed by the simple story of the school's heart throb falling head over heels in love with the insecure, curvy new girl in town. 

I liked both Charlie and Maverick and found them so absolutely sweet together. Maverick is a great character and the way he is with Charlie had me smiling. That kid sure has a way with words.

"Charlie, I wish you could see what I see - you're just perfect for me."

But as sweet as I found Maverick, the standout mc for me would definitely have to be Charlie. I couldn't help but identify with her while reading, the embarrassment and shame that arose from being picked on by the mean girls in school, something that I was definitely familiar with growing up. But what got to me the most was her dismal home life.

I can't deny the real emotions that churned in me after reading about Charlie's dysfunctional family life. Its sad to see the distance in her relationship with her mother and her father, but even more sadder to see the effect that it has on her self-esteem, having absolutely no support system whatsoever and despite all reason, yearning for more from her parents. Because of this, I absolutely could not fault Charlie for her inability to handle compliments directed at her, nor for her reaction after the plot twist at the 50% mark. And I was more than happy for her when she was determined to find her self-worth via her own agency rather than through her boyfriend.

So, why not five stars? While it was enjoyable, it didn't knock me head over heels. I wasn't even mad at the insta-love, or the somewhat unnecessary drama that arose from Maverick's massive pout over his future prospects; but there was just something missing from the writing that I needed. There were also some editing mistakes that my eyes obviously couldn't stop from zooming in on, but wasn't too much of a distraction for me.

Overall, Love Notes is a good read that I would recommend to YA lovers. I think it has a great message overall for the youths of today and I wish more YA authors would send more empowering messages such as this to young girls.

Let someone love you just as you are. As flawed as you might be, as unattractive as you might feel, as unaccomplished as you might think you are, let someone love you just as you are. And let that someone be YOU!

~ Sandra Kring.

Source: www.goodreads.com/review/show/1000578015
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