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review 2016-01-12 07:11
Solid Cute & Fluffy
 The Girlfriend Request - Jodie Andrefski

I love Entangled Crush and have come to expect solid cute & fluffies from them. And The Girlfriend Request does deliver!

I enjoyed this falling for the best friend story and like that Andrefski showed that sometimes hiding behind the world wide web seems easier than actually talking straight to the person.
Naturally this brings a buttload of drama with it- because well, making a fake FB account, can never ever bring happiness after all...

I love Adrefski's writing style. It's straight to the point and contemporary. Both Eli and Emma's POV are clear and different. And I got their confusion and pain and related to both of them- well most of the time. I shall get into this a wee bit later however.

The story line had a few twists and turns, but I wasn't surprised by a single one. It doesn't matter however, because this is a classic high school cute & fluffy and while one is totally aware of the destination, one - well I particularly am in for the ride.

This shines with the character building. I did like all of the characters. Andrefski did a great job. Because I liked the support cast so much I would like to read more about them as well. I adored Eli and Emma. Their little quirks and bits and pieces that made them a team...I got most of their confusion. It did remind me of being their age again, one has these ideas and expectations but essentially we all a tad lost and confused. It's a time of finding oneself and finding ones path, and also a time of utter stupidity at time.

So why is this just 3.5 Stars? Honestly? I found their inability to communicate really annoying. Actually let me correct that. While I wanted to smack Emma for the stupid fake account, I kinda thought, well know people who would do that... Then when they were all confused I felt for them... BUT when Eli did spill it all and asked Emma to talk. She didn't even listen and she didn't speak up as well. She just well, expected him to know. And even worse she kept trying to manipulated him. Now I know actually many grown women who do that. So I guess Andrefski hits a point there. But personally I can't handle the whole smoke and mirrors thing- just freakn man up and say what you want. Speak the heck up. I get that it's scary and that it's hard to put ones heart out there... BUT if you want to gain a heart you gotta bare yours. And well if you don't the result is guaranteed heartache or at best a relationship that is built on deception and dishonesty. I felt that this wasn't actually stressed enough. I feel in fact if we would tell teenager out there to drop the act and be straight with the ones that we hold dear- we all would have much less heartache... but Emma does redeem herself and the end is really cute.

Another great addition to Entangled Crush.
Definitely worth reading for lovers of the genre!!

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review 2016-01-11 20:56
Review: Not Okay Cupid
Not Okay Cupid - Heidi R. Kling

This kinda reminded me of She's All That with a dash of Ten Things I Hate About you, thrown the bad boy turned lover boy....
So your classic highschool cute & fluffy.

But I was not a fan of the first half. It was too melodramatic for me. And my biggest issue with the book: I really didn't like Felix's POV.
BUT saying this... It gets better, way better. The second half of the book, was the classic sigh-worthy cute & fluffy and I ended up adoring both Felix and Hazel.

This is not so much plot driven. Well, it doesn't have any surprising twists and turns- nope it's your classic sweet high school romp and I enjoyed it.

The writing style left me a bit ambiguous, I am not sure exactly if it was only the POV of Felix- it felt rather a bit fake. I know that sounds odd, but I kept thinking this isn't how a teenage boy thinks... or speaks... I didn't feel the same about Hazels however. I like her voice. Though I wouldn't say that I was wowed by Kling's prose, I also didn't dislike it- well except for the previously mentioned issue.

Thankfully this is mostly character driven. And you know I love character driven stories! The two MCs got more interesting as we get to know them. From what looked at the beginning two uber-stereotypical characters, we got two interesting and realistic feeling teens. I loved their boarding scenes. The villains in this, however never change. They the same totally over the top, selfish cliches- we never get to see another side of them. I kept wondering how Hazel ever was friends with them.


Still sweet, fun and cute, if you don't mind Felix' POV or the stereotyping. I also did like the little cupid bits!


If you a lover of Entangled Crush or the genre it's worth a try.

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review 2016-01-06 16:51
Thicker Than Water - Brigid Kemmerer

My Initial Reaction :
No way no way! WTH?
You can't do this! You can't leave me hanging like THAT!
Is there another book? When is it coming out??

Okay okay. Let me calm down. I mean this is me freaking out because I want MORE.
This has Kemmerer written all over it: Fabulous Character building, interesting paranormal side track and the feels.... yeah THE FEELS... seriously don't ask me how she does it, but she does get exactly the reaction she wants from me, every freakn time. Maybe she is a bit like Tom? creepy really. Or maybe she is really good at writing? Well, she is a magician with words that's for sure.
And yet again the plot? There is so little we have been given. So so so little. And though the end is not technically a cliffy- it leaves you hanging. I just know I want more. Wait that's not right. I NEED MORE...


Now that I did have a while to think about it and calm down, there are two things that still stand out:

  • First: I want need more! I can't wait to get my hands on the next book- there will be another book right? Because if not... it would be rather an unsatisfying experience, actually.

  • Second: This has Kemmerer's MO written all over it. So if you a fan; you going to love this.  

This is well written. Just like one would expect from Kemmerer. It's a total rollercoaster of emotions. She made me gasp and had me devastated with the flick of her pen. She is queen of the Feels and Thicker Than Water just cemented this. Absolutely.

What it however also confirmed? She writes character driven novels. Not a bad thing by all means. The plot is just like in her previous books- rather on the thin side. If I would have to write a summary of the plot- I could do it in 3 sentences flat. Not an issue for me. I love character driven novels. The had several twists and turns but not many took me by surprise. I anticipated them. Still doesn't mean I didn't react. I knew that it was coming, but I still was devastated, excited or whatever rise Kemmerer wanted, which is why I liked this so much.

Kemmerer totally excels in character building. In fact the characters are so complex, I found myself surprised by some of them, rather than their actions. Kemmerer had me thinking I mapped out who is who only to change the ballgame halfway through. It made me reassess everything. I mean EVERYTHING. And that? Is feakn' amazing!
As I said, I want more. I want to know where they go from here. I need to work out who really is a villain, who is actually a victim- who is ok.. There is so much grey here, I still am working it all out.
While I found Thomas quite difficult to connect to- all that anger and confusion for the first bit of the book, I ended up totally feeling with him. I was distraught for him. I totally got where he was and why he was doing what he was doing. Not only that, I agree with his actions at the end.
Charlotte is strong, surprisingly so. And I adored her from the beginning. Then I found myself being worried that it was all a ruse, hoping she wasn't wrong. Felt her heartbreak and her hopes.
I want more of Charlotte and Thomas, but not only them. I feel there are so many stories behind her brothers, her family... Just like I said, Kemmerer wove complex surprising characters- not just the two MCs but also each and everyone in the support cast. I understood where Charlotte's family was coming from.

The world building is an amazing backdrop to the entire thing. It's neat and very clever. Sorta in the same token as Kemmerer's previous series. So paranormal elements that are interesting. But we've been given just bits and pieces- so I feel like I only got an idea behind something immense. I want more. But it's not like I didn't get enough. Kemmerer did a good job at giving me the scraps at the right moment, opening the paranormal aspects just when it was needed... Simply: Brilliant.

The only little warning to caution: This doesn't end in a total cliffy but it's open ended. I need more closure. Hence my utter hope that there will be several more books...

Another awesome book- hopefully series- by the master of character-driven awesomeness!
Absolute MUST READ!

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review 2016-01-05 10:11
An absolute FAVORITE
The Rock (Highland Guard) - Monica McCarty

These just get better and better!

I swear each time I finish a book in in the series I am sure it's my absolute favorite, then I read the next and feel the same. I was so looking forward to reading Thom story. I can't believe McCarty managed to exceed my expectation - AGAIN.

Well, this one definitely is my favorite in the series...

.. for now



Funny enough I read this right With Every Breath- and I would have told you before I started this, the two books could not be more different. One is a new adult set in Patagonia and this is a historical set in Scotland. But there are many parallels between the two books and why I liked them. First both heroes- are broody, melancholic dudes- ripped and super hot... Both are from the Highlands and both are mountaineers.

Why am I mentioning this?

Weeeeelllll... I think I got a new favorite genre: Scottish mountaineer hottie romances

I really think it's a thing. Seriously, it defo beats the usual highlander romps. Any day.

But seriously, both books are set in mountains. Both heros love them and both of them a climbers. And both authors  get the setting and the whole environment, the feelings, the quiet and the majesty of the mountains just right. Both books have beautiful descriptions, made my heart ache and leap, are well written and clearly extremely well researched. While Riley chose a setting that is on my bucket list, McCarty's setting is well known to me.

I lived in Scotland for a while. I even did some of the climbs she describes. And let me tell you, it was like revisiting them.

In fact this made me wonder once again how much time McCarty has spent in the Highlands.


Her descriptions are gorgeous and so accurate, it's like I was there again. I can not stress how awe inspiring that is for me. McCarty clearly is a master of her craft.

I fell in love with this series, because of her beautiful prose. So there is no surprise there. But each and every book manages to surprise me, with it's beautiful descriptions of Scotland, the  clever weaving of the fictional with the historical and the great character building.


The Rock wowed me even more. First the mountain-climbing aspects were awesome. But more than that- this book is set between different events and between previous books. If you read the other books of the series, you know about the two MCs already.Elizabeth and Thom both make appearances in other books. Thom more so than Elizabeth, and I was super excited to read about Thom's story. Since he featured in the last two books- and I took an instant liking to him. So I had quite high expectations of this one. Possibly higher than usual... Still McCarty managed to surprise me and exceed my expectations. The historical aspects of the series are getting better and better in my opinion. McCarty interweaves the historical with the fiction in such a clever way it feel extremely real. Her stories though fictions seem possible. I find myself wishing they were true- which in itself surprises me, because we all know I am way too unromantic for something like that. But McCarty manages to bring the romantic out even in me.


While the setting is historically driven- and again extremely well done- the story line to a degree is driven by those historical events. On top of that McCarty adds her romance story. This one, like all the others is in some ways your usual romance. But McCarty does give it her own twist each time. And  romance in The Rock is about trying to breach different social standing. To be honest, I don't actually think that Thom and Elizabeth would have had much of a chance in the real world, simply because their relationship would have been a total faux-pas. But McCarthy does kinda make me believe it would have been possible. Well, she makes me hope so at least. See? She brings out the romantic in me!


The character building is just like always, really well done. I didn't like Elizabeth much for most of the book- but I did get where she was coming from.

Thom on the other hand-- gosh, I don't think I liked any of McCarthy's heros better than him. And let's just make that clear, I love them all! But Thom. SIGH. As I said before I seem to have something for melancholic, broody, stubborn, honourable, mountaineering Highlanders.

Just like in the previous books, I loved to get glimpses of the rest of the crew. McCarthy is brilliant at showing a different side to the characters when seen from a different POV. Each book makes me wonder how the Bruce really was, I like to believe, he was like McCarthy describes him. In fact I feel like someone, who was there, told me about that time and those people. That's how flawless her character building is.


So officially my favorite book by McCarthy and An absolute must read!


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review 2015-12-10 09:24
Initial Reaction after reading this:
Thicker Than Water - Brigid Kemmerer

No way no way! WTH?
You can't do this! You can't leave me hanging like THAT!
Is there another book? When is it coming out??

Okay okay. Let me calm down. I mean this is me freaking out because I want MORE.
This has Kemmerer written all over it: Fabulous Character building, interesting paranormal side track and the feels.... yeah THE FEELS... seriously don't ask me how she does it, but she does get exactly the reaction she wants from me, every freakn time. Maybe she is a bit like Tom? creepy really. Or maybe she is really good at writing? Well, she is a magician with words that's for sure.
And yet again the plot? There is so little we have been given. So so so little. And though the end is not technically a cliffy- it leaves you hanging. I just know I want more. Wait that's not right. I NEED MORE...

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