(BTW, in Pretty Woman, shopkeepers kicks her out because she looks poor and they say she can’t afford to shop there so she spends her money elsewhere and then goes back to the first shop to gloat.)
(spoiler show)
We had a horrible customer service experience with B&N and a cashier who is going to be referred to as “man.” (Edit: Descriptive term! Previously said "old man" but someone said that was an offensive descriptive term, which wasn't my intention.)
We got an email from Barnes & Nobles; the subject said “ALL” manga & graphic novels buy 2 get 3rd free. The key word here is it said “ALL!” So we went and got what we wanted and it wouldn't ring up. The man said the signs only said the deal was for DC & Marvel & Image graphic novels. (The signs did say this.) But since we got the email that said "ALL" I asked to speak to a manager so I could show them the proof and figure out why it wasn’t working.

Man: *talking on radio* Can you come back here, these people still want to "ARGUE" about the manga.
What the heck? Is that something you say when we've shown you proof? Not only was his words rude, his tone of voice and body language was the rudest I've ever experienced at B&N or anywhere.
The manager comes back says that the coupon might be online only and was trying to brush this whole thing off. Barnes & Nobles, shouldn’t your employees know what your deals are? The man was standing around just rolling his eyes and had a "told you so" look on his face.
Me: Considering the email subject says "ALL" B&N and most places are usually the type to honor things like this. My husband and I were ready to say the subject title was bad wording on the company's part, but these two people did not seem to want to help us at all.
I studied the mail further and saw toward the end, it said "all manga buy 2 get 3rd free" and there was another part that said the thing about the DC & Marvel & Image. So the two deals probably could not be mixed, which makes the subject line even more misleading.

I told the man this. We put the graphic novel back and got another manga instead. He rung it up and it worked. Wow, look at that! If they had known what their own deals were, this whole thing could have been fixed in two seconds, but instead the man is calling us a liar and neither seem to care about honoring what the email from their company says. We weren’t even going to complain about the “All” subject line anymore and just buy the manga.
We had two books that are larger than normal manga, but they were manga. They were special editions.
Man: Are you sure this is a manga, it only works with manga...
Me: (Thinking) yeah, it only works with manga and you only know this because I told you and your signs do not tell anyone about this deal!! (I’m really frustrated and I have social anxiety and sensory problems, so I’m almost at my “meltdown” point.)
Me: Yes, they are manga. We're 100% sure.
Man: Well, we'll just see if it works.
He's still scoffing and talking in a rude voice.
Man: Oh, it worked....
He sounded shocked and mad that he was wrong and we were right.
In the rudest voice, he ends this experience with this gem.
Man: Oh, that is still really expensive!
I swear, he is looking at us, judging us for spending money at his store. It doesn't matter if it cost $5 or $500, who says something like that to a paying customer? We just saved around $50. So, he's basically saying "why did you go to so much trouble to save money when the price is still expensive?"
For the record, the price was not expensive to us. We bought 6 books. 2 were free, we had our membership discount, plus a 20% off 1 item coupon. In total there were 15 manga, because of bindups. It is the holiday season; we don't normally buy this much at once. Not that it was the man's business, but this is how we do xmas/gifts for each other. And any gift cards or xmas money goes on books as well.
That man made me almost say forget it and go find the books used and cheaper on Amazon. I even had the "Pretty Woman" scene in my head. I'd walk into B&B with all my Amazon packages and say, "you made a mistake!" I call this a reverse “Pretty Woman” moment because in his head, we must be rich people who waste money on book, so we’re too rich to shop at his store and maybe we should take our business elsewhere.
Oh, and he throws everything into a bag all willy nilly. 6 heavy books, 1 bag. He doesn't bother to put them in neatly. He practically shoves the bag at us and we had to fix the bag and inspect the damage. I was too tired to say anything at this point, so we left. No major damage done, except some scuffed corners.
I hope to not have to check out with that man again. :(