The Bloody Book Blogger
— feeling bloody

Summer, 1989. It is a time for splashing in the lake and exploring the wilderness, for nine teenagers to bond together and create friendships that could last the rest of their lives.But among this group there is a young man with a secret--a secret that, in this time and place, is unthinkable to his peers.When the others discover the truth, it will change each of them forever. They will all have blood on their hands.
This was a painful book to read. Not only because of 'THE SCENE', (which was very difficult to get through, too), but because of the subject matter. I'm sure you've read/watched 'THE GIRL NEXT DOOR' by now... remember how you felt throughout that entire book/movie? THAT is why ODD MAN OUT is painful. That feeling of helplessness in the pit of (y)our stomach(s). The author's writing made me feel like I was right there in cabin #7, but despite my screams... the story continued. Even when you think it's over... NOPE! That's when the questions start coming. ODD MAN OUT is a story that is going to stick with me/us. Sneaky, sneaky Mr. Newman ::winks::
"[Odd Man Out] pulls back the veil to reveal hatred and violence for what it truly is - far too common and simple." - Rev. Amanda Hendler-Voss
I hope EVERYONE reads this book, and recommends it to friends. It is going to turn some people around, and that's a good thing. P, L & N ♥ ~sg 

5/5 Knives for ODD MAN OUT
SHOUT OUT to Rev. Amanda Hendler-Voss, born and raised right here in Detroit, MI! Woot! She wrote the book's AFTERWARD, (I won't bestow the 'Michigan Madman' moniker on her ;)). I've wanted to quote her throughout this whole review! It's beautifully written - very strong, and motivational.
Bloodshot Books, the publisher of ODD MAN OUT, is gearing up for their 2017 Open Call! The submission period is from August 1-31, 2017. Full details can be found @
Bloodshot Books - Read Until You Bleed
Established March 2015 – Bloodshot Books is a micro-press specializing in horror fiction, with a dash of science fiction, suspense and thrillers. Tacky Tie Films - Revolutionizing the way films are made & experienced.
Cover design ©2016 by Ben Baldwin