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url 2019-05-03 15:35
Returned Blogger: Yasmin, aka "a reading life"

MbD already shared the link to her blog in the "shout-out" thread in the "Find New BookLikes Blogs to Follow" group, but not everybody may have seen that, so just in case:


Yasmin, who blogs under the name "a reading life", has returned to BookLikes (yey) after RL interfering in a major way for the past 3+ years (boo).  She's posted a short reintroduction post HERE.  (I'm not simply reblogging it for the usual BL-related faux-attribution reasons.) 


This is an active blogger returning to BL -- and a Golden Age mystery fan to boot [side-eyes the Agathytes and Detection Club members], so I think this does call for a drumroll of sorts!


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url 2015-04-07 18:40
Going to BEA?

Hello, everyone :). Last year, I was pretty quiet about going to BEA until the actual days when I posted recaps and tweeted about various things. Well, I suppose you might count this as an announcement sort of post.

I'm headed to BEA this year. If you would like to meet up, email me :). I'll be around.

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url 2014-06-23 18:05
“Sponsored By…” – Book Blogger Integrity and Conflicts of Interest.

Recently, there was some social media discussion among book bloggers and reviewers over the potential breach of ethics regarding a prominent book vlogger called Christine Riccio who did not issue a proper disclaimer over the promoted content of her video reviews. While a brief line in the text description of at least four of her videos noted that the publishers had “sponsored” them, there was no mention of that in the video itself, except for a vague moment of being asked to talk about the book in question in one. Many, including myself, considered this to be a major conflict of interest. While she claims all opinions are her own, there’s nothing written or said by Riccio, who has over 100,000 subscribers, on what she had to do as part of the sponsored deal or what the publisher expected from her as part of this arrangement.


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Source: bibliodaze.com/2014/06/sponsored-by-book-blogger-integrity-and-conflicts-of-interest
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