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text 2015-03-02 20:13
Then They Came for Me: 118 Days in Iran's Most Notorious Prison. Maziar Bahari, Aimee Molloy - Maziar Bahari

Rosewater is an eye-opening movie about the real life Newsweek journalist who was imprisoned for 118 days in an Iranian prison for his accurate reporting and filming of the riots post-election in 2009. This movie is the reason why Jon Stewart took three months off last year from The Daily Show - Stewart wrote the screen play and directed the movie, which he based off Bahari;s book (linked). I am waiting until after graduation to read the book, but the movie was so powerful, I wanted to recommend it to everyone; hence, I am breaking my own rule about reviewing anything other than books here on BL.



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text 2013-11-19 17:41
Day 19: Favorite Book Turned Movie
Water for Elephants - Sara Gruen
Memoirs of a Geisha - Arthur Golden
Jurassic Park: A Novel - Michael Crichton
The Lost World: A Novel - Michael Crichton

Easy peasy, lemon squeazy.


You can't get much better than these 4, IMO.


Water for Elephants stayed true to the book very well. Of course it had to make a few changes to be a smoothly flowing movie, but it held the magic and romance that the novel portrayed.



Memoirs of a Geisha was amazing in both book and movie form. The movie brought the characters and imagery to life in a way that makes me cry every time I see it. I've always loved Asian culture of any kind, and this movie/book was everything I wanted. And I cry every single time I see the Chairman and Sayuri profess their loves for one another. I'm a hopeless romantic.



Jurassic Park was a better movie than book. The book was a little draggy and boring. It had a lot more going on than the movie, but the movie just seemed so much better to me. I know a lot of people will argue with me on this, but oh well. The only part of the book I liked more than the movie was that the Aussie game hunter dude (why can I never remember names!) got to live. I liked him. I like Aussie accents. I like accents, period. Anyway, where was I?



The Lost World was hugely better than the book. Both Jurassic Park and this novel were full of what I coined "Malcolm-isms", pages and pages of chaos theory and boring mathematics. It made me zone and not remember a damn thing I read. And why would Malcolm even set foot on another island of dinosaurs when, according to the book, he almost died and was psychologically tortured by hungry raptors hanging over his bed, trying to eat him. There's not enough money on Earth to make me go through that again. But he does for some inane reason I can hardly grasp. But the movie version made more sense. He went to save his girlfriend! That's plausible! I get it. And the movies left out the Malcolm-isms, so I didn't glaze over.


Plus we got a T-Rex destroying L.A...which is awesome.



I'm dino-phile, though. I loved all the Jurassic park movies and I am super excited about the next one. So don't mind me. I'm a weirdo.

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text 2013-11-14 19:18
Day 14: Book Turned Bad Movie
The Lightning Thief - Rick Riordan
White Shark - Peter Benchley

This was kind of hard for me. I tend to not watch a lot of book-turned-movies. Or if I do, I make sure I read the book first. Most of the ones I've seen turned out well, like Water for Elephants and The Hunger Games. These 2 books are the only ones I could really think of that fit the "bad movie" list, and Percy Jackson isn't really bad.


The Lightning Thief wasn't a bad movie at all. And I'm guilty of watching it before I ever read the books. Maybe that's why I don't hate it. I actually really loved it. But if we compare it to the books, then it's really an abomination. They changed so much that it wasn't really the same story by the end. When I read the book, I was shocked at the true bad guy and couldn't understand why they would change so much. But I still love the movie. I just look at them as 2 separate things.


White Shark was terrible. It was turned into a SyFy original movie, Creature, and it was so bad. Soooooo bad. They changed the location of the events and a lot of the back story of the monster. Plus you have to add SyFy quality graphics into the  mix and you get a barf-worthy performance. The only redeeming quality was Craig T. Nelson, but not even he could salvage this. Yuck.

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text 2013-11-02 19:12
Day 14: Book turned movie and completely desecrated

I hate watching movies based on books, albiet there have been those times where I watched the movie not knowing there was a book (no examples, its wayyy too embarrassing). This is because they will always screw up the movie somehow and I'll end up screaming. One of my worst experiences was watching the Sisterhood of the Traveling pants movie. It was one of my favorite series in middle school and seeing the movie almost made me bawl. It was that awful. They had messed everything up. I know there will be plenty of people who will disagree with me but dammit THE MOVIE WAS AWFUL OKAY? end of story. 



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