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review 2018-09-10 03:39
Chicken Soup with Rice ALL the time.
Chicken Soup with Rice: A Book of Months - Maurice Sendak

First off, If you haven’t read this book yet, just go listen to the audio version first THEN go back and read the book. When I read this book in my classroom, I will make sure to play the audio book video for my class because the song that goes with then book just makes it that much more fun! The little boy in the book loves chicken soup with rice so much, he has to make it known that it can be eaten during any month of the year. Such a fun and creative way for students to learn not only the months of the year but also the seasons and what goes on during those seasons in a lesson. I would have my students do a writing assignment in their journals to tell me their favorite season or time of year or they could tell me about their favorite food that they could eat all year long.


Guided Reading Level: M 



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text 2016-03-21 07:18
Enjoy the flavor of delectable chicken rice in Singapore

Singapore, popularly known as food lover’s paradise has a lot to offer. If you actually love eating, then you have to visit the city to taste the lip smacking delicacies. We are not just talking about the ostentatious, premium restaurants of Singapore; instead, we are talking about the most famous dish there: Chicken Rice. You can get this dish anywhere, may it be from hawkers, from various coffee shops or from food centers that sell exclusively Singaporean food.


In order to get an incredible flavor of why Singapore has amazing reputation in food industry, you must try out other different specialty foods that are present here. Nevertheless, an enthusiastic chicken lover will surely find chicken rice to be irresistible. Being a tourist in Singapore, you will definitely get a grip on the rhythm of the nation after tasting this dish.


Singapore- Food Lover’s Paradise

Do you know what the best thing about Singaporean dishes is? Apart from being reasonable and mouth-watering in taste, you need not worry about the hygiene issue. Unlike other Asian country, tourists are compelled to stay away from tempting street food considering the fact about hygiene. But, in Singapore, you need not worry about hygiene because almost all stalls possess a desirable hygiene record. Therefore, next time whenever you visit Singapore, you must pamper yourself and enjoy an unbelievable variety of hawker or street food at reasonable pricing.


One thing is obvious when you try out Singaporean food. Even though, it has Indian origin in it, yet it owns the flavor of Singapore, thereby giving an exclusive blend of taste that you may find in the small Island nation. Moreover, it is a difficult job to suggest a number of must-have dishes that you must indulge in when you visit Singapore. Personally, I would like to suggest having Hainanese chicken rice in Singapore. This boiled chicken is served with little chili sauce as well as aromatic rice. It is quite simple to make, reasonable, and pleasant in taste. As a result, it is a must try dish of Singapore.

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review 2014-02-17 08:09
Chicken Soup with Rice by Maurice Sendak
Chicken Soup with Rice: A Book of Months - Maurice Sendak
Genre: Months / Poetry / Humor

Year Published: 1962

Year Read:  1993

Publisher: HarperCollins
Series: The Nutshell Kids Library 
Chicken Soup
I have first heard about “Chicken Soup with Rice” on a Weston Woods video where Carole King sings the song “Chicken Soup with Rice” on “Really Rosie.”  “Chicken Soup with Rice” is a book about the months of the year by Maurice Sendak that details the months of the year in a poetic way and will surely be an instant favorite for many children who love learning about the months of the year! 
I have always loved Carole King’s version of this classic book by Maurice Sendak and when I finally read this book, I was so intrigued by Maurice Sendak’s illustrations and writing in this book.  Maurice Sendak did an excellent job at writing this book in a lyrical and poetic way, which makes the book extremely hilarious and creative at the same time by putting hilarious situations with each month described in the book.  My favorite poem in the book was the poem about the month of March, which is recited as:

In March the wind
Blows down the door
And spills my soup
Upon the floor.
It laps it up
And roars for more.
Blowing once
Blowing twice
Blowing chicken soup with rice”

Maurice Sendak’s illustrations are truly beautiful and creative as the main colors used in the illustrations are yellow, black, grey, green, and white and also, the illustrations have a somewhat scratchy look that provides the old fashioned feel to the story. Also, the main character, which is a boy, is the same boy that shows up in all of the Nutshell library book series which will help many children realize that this boy is apart of the Nutshell library book series.  What I loved the most about these illustrations is that the boy is always shown doing something ridiculous that deals with the month being mentioned such as the image of the boy swimming in the ocean while a turtle is stirring up chicken soup at the bottom of the ocean during the month of July.
“Chicken Soup with Rice” is the perfect book for children to learn about the months of the year in an extremely creative and hilarious way and it will certainly be the cult classic hit of the century!  I would recommend this book to children ages four and up since there is nothing inappropriate in this book that might cause parents to worry.
Review is also on: Rabbit Ears Book Blog
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review 2012-02-08 00:00
Chicken Soup with Rice: A Book of Months
Chicken Soup with Rice: A Book of Months - Maurice Sendak Oh how cute can you get? An obsession with chicken soup with rice leads to a fun little book about the months. I think the chicken soup Nile is my favorite.
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review 2012-02-08 00:00
Chicken Soup with Rice: A Book of Months
Chicken Soup with Rice: A Book of Months - Maurice Sendak Oh how cute can you get? An obsession with chicken soup with rice leads to a fun little book about the months. I think the chicken soup Nile is my favorite.
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