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review 2021-09-10 02:02
Too Close for Comfort - Adriana Kraft Too Close for Comfort - Adriana Kraft

Jen and Brett's relationship intensifies with Sarah. Donna and Ryan break it off with Jen and Brett. Jen feels somewhat guilty but not enough to give up Sarah and their summer plans. Brett questions her but does not push her. Sarah feels ready to move into meeting others so Jen sets up a play date with Alice and Carl who then share a story with Jen and Brett. Who knows where it leads?


I liked this installment. The relationship with the three of them really heats up. I appreciate when Alice and Carl try to smooth things over with Donna and Ryan but Donna is just too hurt. I also like Alice's questioning of Jen, not in a hurtful way but in a caring and compassionate way. They are all still hot!


Now that Jen is questioning as is Sarah, we'll have to see what Donna and Ryan do. Looking forward to seeing what happens.

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review 2021-07-12 10:58
The Comfort Book - Matt Haig

Matt Haig sind trübe Gedanken, Verzweiflung und Hoffnungslosigkeit vertraut. Der Autor musste bereits erfahren, was es heißt, eine Depression durchzumachen. Für schwierige Zeiten hat er eine Auswahl an kurzen Texten und Zitaten zusammengetragen, die ihm Trost gespendet haben. Sie soll dabei behilflich sein, die schönen Seiten des Lebens zu erkennen.


„The Comfort Book - Gedanken, die mir Hoffnung machen“ ist ein Sachbuch von Matt Haig.


Meine Meinung:

Das Buch besteht aus vier Teilen. Diese sind wiederum in Kapitel unterschiedlicher Länge untergliedert, manche davon sehr kurz, andere ausführlicher. Das Buch ist so aufgebaut, dass man es weder chronologisch noch vollständig lesen muss, um es zu verstehen. Dieses Konzept finde ich sehr sinnvoll für diese Art von Sachbuch. Eine Form von Inhaltsverzeichnis wäre jedoch hilfreich gewesen, um einzelne Kapitel besser wiederzufinden.


Stilistisch ist das Buch sehr abwechslungsreich. Es enthält Erfahrungsberichte, Listen, Lebensweisheiten, Zitate und Rezepte. In sprachlicher Hinsicht ist das Buch nicht spektakulär, aber angemessen.


Inhaltlich handelt es sich um eine Sammlung tröstender Worte und Erkenntnisse, die der Autor als seine „Rettungsinseln“ bezeichnet. Die Gedanken, Betrachtungen, Erinnerungen, Selbstreflexionen und Beispiele sollen Hoffnung und neue Zuversicht in verschiedenen, vor allem schwierigen Lebenssituationen spenden, inspiriert von eigenen und fremden Erfahrungen. Dabei bedient sich der Autor auch bei der Philosophie und aus dem Gedankenschatz bekannter Persönlichkeiten wie Marc Aurel und James Baldwin.


Als Leitmotiv nennt Matt Haig das Verbundensein - aller Dinge, Momente, Emotionen und Menschen. Das Buch soll dabei helfen, Trost und Halt in uns selbst zu finden. Die Aussicht, von jemandem lernen zu können, der offen zugibt, an Depressionen und Panikattacken zu leiden, hat mich neugierig auf die Sammlung gemacht. Naturgemäß konnte ich nicht aus allen Kapiteln etwas ziehen. Beispielsweise hat jeder und jede ein andere Songauswahl, die ihn oder sie beruhigt und tröstet, sodass die abgedruckte Liste Haigs nicht 1:1 auf andere Menschen übertragbar ist. Zudem gibt es immer wieder nur kurze Impulse, die eine Therapie oder ähnliche Intervention bei ernsten psychischen Problemen natürlich nicht ersetzen können. Aber es finden sich viele schlaue und wohl durchdachte Sätze und Ideen in der Sammlung. So bringt die Lektüre etliche Denkanstöße und hat mich mehrfach zum Nachdenken angeregt. Mehr noch: Das Buch hat in mir den Wunsch geweckt, selbst eine solche persönliche Sammlung in einem Notizbuch anzulegen.


Das Cover mit dem stilisierten Sonnenaufgang passt mit seiner Symbolik gut zum Inhalt. Schön finde ich, dass auch der Originaltitel für die deutsche Ausgabe übernommen wurde.


Mein Fazit:

„The Comfort Book - Gedanken, die mir Hoffnung machen“ von Matt Haig ist ein sehr persönliches Sachbuch, das vielerlei schlaue Gedanken und Denkimpulse bietet. Eine empfehlenswerte Lektüre, die dazu einlädt, sie immer mal wieder zur Hand zu nehmen.

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review 2021-02-16 00:52
FInding Southern Comfort by Barbara Lohr
Finding Southern Comfort: A Heartwarming Prequel (Windy City Romance) - Barbara Lohr
A romance is what the bookish heart needed for Valentine's Day.
It didn't disappoint either! It had every element that I look for in a romance. It had great characters with chemistry. There was side elements that deepened the plot. There was passion in parts.
Still it wasn't the best romance that I have ever read.
Sometimes you weren't sure who was telling the story though. Was Harper the protagonist or Cameron?! At one point, I actually stopped reading and was like, "what the heck, I thought I was reading from her point of view." So that I wasn't a fan of. Nor was I fond of the loser making an appearance at the end of the story. Totally unnecessary.
In the end, it was a solid story that ended up coming together. Yeah, I will probably read the next book in the series.
Source: www.fredasvoice.com/2021/02/finding-southern-comfort-by-barbara.html
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review 2020-10-20 01:51
Modern Comfort Food: A Barefoot Contessa Cookbook
Modern Comfort Food: A Barefoot Contessa Cookbook - Ina Garten
I used to watch Ina on cable and she was such a joy to watch. She had this calmness about her and the way that she moved through the kitchen, putting her recipes together, it all seemed so easy. I've tried a few of her recipes and they've been great, so I thought I would love this cookbook. I also love cookbooks. I have quite a few cookbooks (my husband thinks I have too many) and I also subscribe to some cooking magazines, but I like to read and try different things (within reason). When I saw "Modern Comfort", I thought who doesn't love comfort food? You know how some people definitions are different? I think this is one of them.

I love many things about this cookbook but the recipes themselves, they just don't do much for me. I'll get to that in a minute but let's talk about what's great about this cookbook. The cookbook is very attractive and pleasing to look at. It's definitely a heavy one too, with 256 pages. I liked the smooth, glossy pages and the page count includes the two recipe indexes yes, I said two! She has included one A - Z index and one index that breaks the dishes into their specific categories. These categories include breakfast, lunch, dinner, cocktails, vegetables & sides, and desserts. The author also made a reference to these categories at the bottom of each page, down by the page number, so you know where you’re at when you’re looking inside the cookbook. I like these little extra touches. Each recipe gets a 2-page spread with the recipe on one side and a picture on the other. Detailed, step-by-step directions are easy to follow and each recipe includes a small paragraph about the recipe too. The recipe includes how many it will serve but not the individual serving size. It might say, "Serves 6" but it doesn't say how big each serving size is.

The book itself is set up by categories, the ones I mentioned earlier. The first section is Cocktails. Listed on one page, it has all the recipes for that section. I thought it would have been nice, had she also listed the page number for each cocktail on this page. I know that the recipes go in sequence according to this list, and I know that I can go back to the indexes but having it here would be helpful.

I found there were only about 5-6 dishes inside this cookbook that I found comforting. When I was thinking “comforting”, I was thinking pasta, meat, potatoes, salads, soup and “modern” to me meant, making these foods healthy and/or easier to prepare. This is where I was confused. I found inside this cookbook Brussels Sprouts Pizza Carbonara, Roasted Shishito Peppers with Easy Hollandaise, Maine Lobster Stew, English Lemon Posset, and Pomegranate Gimlets. These didn’t sound comforting to me. These seemed rather fancy to my everyday life. It’s a beauty of a cookbook but it’s just not one that would get much use at my house. 3.5 rounding up to 4 stars
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text 2020-07-10 03:18
Depending on your requirement and choice

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You have to choose the right one that is convenient and comfortable for you. Some of the added benefits that you will get from the right type of mattresses include, but not limited to:Stay Relaxed and Enjoy Your Sleeping TimeA good quality and latest mattress not only provide you a way to stay relaxed at the time of laying down, but also improves the quality of your sleeping. Softness and the use of springs and coir make you feel relaxed. You can wake up fresh in the morning. Regular sleeping for more time means you are free from the chances of problem in back and backbone.Soak up Your Movement SuccessfullyYou can buy mattresses in India – include memory foam that is helpful in soaking up your movement in the most successful way. At the time of sleeping on a spring mattress, you move around and the best might feel bouncy for a moment.

Foam mattresses are beneficial as they hinder the impact of movement and keep your bed from reacting to your movement throughout the sleeping time.High Quality Mattresses Ease Your Pain and Help You Relax Your doctor or Chiropractor may recommend you the best quality memory foam to help you stay away from the chances of arthritis, chronic pain and neck and back problem. Such kind of high quality mattresses support your body to promote healthier posture and let you feel better throughout the day and during sleeping time.Placing your order to buy mattresses in India is vital to relax for more time and let your body gain full support.Temperature Maintenance and Get Rid of Allergy Symptoms Selection of the right type of foam also matters in providing you extra support to keep your body temperature maintained.

A high quality and latest mattress maintains an even temperature in terms of surrounding temperature. In addition to this, the right type of mattress also keeps you away from allergies. There are a number of added benefits that you will get from the right type of mattress.Here, it is your choice to buy mattress in India in the right shape, type, design and style. Placing your order to the right and reputed brand name is important. Online search is one of the time-saving and convenient ways to provide you what exactly you are looking for.

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