This novella is part of the Bibliomysteries series, which features short stories all of which have something to do with books. What could be possibly better than that?
This story takes place at the Library of Congress, where the main character has to sort through books and can only choose a few to keep. The rest goes straight into the incinerator. (No one told me this was going to be horror ;) )
Condor, the main character, was completely unknown to me as I never read about him before or watched the movie. Therefore, at times I was a bit confused. The story didn't help solve that problem, because of the length restrictions it also felt like it skipped some things and that made it confusing as well. Moreover, the story wasn't very remarkable. It was an easy and enjoyable read, but not something that will stay with me for long.
Thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for providing me with a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review!