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review 2018-02-18 21:05
Great suspense!
Deadly Justice (New Orleans Connection S... Deadly Justice (New Orleans Connection Series Book 6) - Kathy Ivan

Deadly Justice by Kathy Ivan is a romantic suspense you won't want to skip.   Ms. Ivan has delivered a well-written book.  The characters are outstanding and lovable.  Samuel is an ex DEA agent, framed by his friend and left for dead.  Andrea is entangled in Samuel's hunt for the man that framed him.  Their story is packed with drama, action, sizzle, suspense and humor.  I like the way Ms Ivan twisted Andrea and Samuel's story together.  I enjoyed reading Deadly Justice and look forward to reading more from Kathy Ivan soon.  Deadly Justice is book 6 in the New Orleans Connection Series but can easily be read as a standalone.  This is a complete book, not a cliff-hanger.


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review 2018-02-03 15:13
Deadly Lies
Deadly Lies (The Jill Shannon Murder Series, #1) - Chris Patchell

This one is a bit of slow build and took me awhile to get into, but I have to say that the more I learned about the characters and their back story, the more my curiosity was piqued about where the story would go. From the beginning, Jill is not a likable character. She's cold and seems to have little regard for others. Of course, it doesn't take long to figure out that we aren't supposed to like her. I was left with a bit of a head scratch about Alex's jumps in logic in his investigation, but it certainly makes for some rising tension. The story is part vigilante/serial killer thriller and part crime drama, and the conclusion kept me turning pages and was certainly a jaw-dropping, I didn't expect that development. I'll be interested to see where it all goes from here.

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review 2017-08-23 00:00
The Deadly Sun (The Sanction Series Book 1)
The Deadly Sun (The Sanction Series Book... The Deadly Sun (The Sanction Series Book 1) - H.J. Lawson The people of Cueva live underground in caves in rooms carved out of the mountain. The people of Cueva live underground in the dark away from the deadly sun because it causes cancer. The children live on one side of the cave while the adults live on the other side.

When they reach eighteen they get to visit Purenet a city that is protected by a dome which allows the people to be outside to enjoy the sun along with the green grass and trees without causing them any problems.

The people of Cueva have choice to make when they reach eighteen; girls have the choice of becoming a Host or a Bazi to earn bitcoins; boys have the option of becoming a Bazi or entering the Sanction Games to earn bitcoins as well. Skylier and her brother Rian want to earn bitcoins so they can buy medicine to cure their mother who is dying of cancer.

I love reading dystopian novels and I have to say that The Deadly Sun has been one of the best that I have read so far and I can’t wait to check out the next book in the series The Rising Tide and then the third book The Sanction Games.

The Deadly Sun grabbed me from the beginning and didn’t let go until I turned the last page. I read it in one setting or should I say I devoured it in one setting. Now that is more like it. I loved the world of Cueva and Purenet.

The Deadly Sun is filled with more twist and turns than a roller coaster. It will have you on the edge of your seat waiting to find out what is just around the next corner. Skylier and Dax are two of the strongest characters I think I have seen in a long, long time. Oh and I just loved Callie she was just amazing and so sweet.

I would recommend The Deadly Sun to anyone who loves reading a great and fantastic dystopian novel. It is out of this world amazing.
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review 2017-07-19 06:47
good story and characters
Shelby (The Deadly Agendas Series) - Kat... Shelby (The Deadly Agendas Series) - Katie Murphy

Alan wisher he was as brave as Dr Martin Luther King Jr. He was getting ready to sacrifice his life and the safety of his family and he was resentful and unhappy about it. In one month he will have been a part of the extraction of Tijuana’s top drug cartel boss Felix Guterrey and bring Felix to the US to face and be tried for the numerous felonies including twelve murders of border control officers at the San Diego club Subterranio. The raid was the bloodiest incident in America during the Border Wars. Everyone had screamed for justice. Alan was the U S Secretary Of State and Alan is being pushed to to close all dealings with Mexico and deport all immigrants. It came out from reports from the border patrol that there was a tunnel that went from Tijuana Mexico to the nightclub. After that Mexico did offer to cooperate. But it wasn’t enough. Jesse Adams met with Alan at the Dr, King Memorial. Jesse said Alan called and he came as always. Alan said he knew he could always rely on Jesse. Jesse was are tired Navy Seal. Alan said he needed to cash in on the favor that Jesse said he owed Alan. Alan told Jesse he needed Jesse to protect his daughter Shelby.  Shelby was reading her column in The Washington Post’s website. It was empowering to see her thoughts and her opinions validated by DC’s most influential newspaper. Shelby had a date tonight with her almost fiance Jack. Shelby got a text from her dad that he wanted to see her down in his home office. Alan was mad Shelby had told her dad that she would quit the paper when it became dangerous and Alan felt like Shelby should now quit. It was a terrorist organization that had sent a letter threatening Shelby’s life. Shelby felt her dad would go down in history as the most successful diplomat to ever hold the Secretary Of State office. Then Shelby’s father brought in Jesse and his security detail. Jesse made Shelby feel soft, feminine. Something no one had ever done before. But Shelby would never be with the hired help and Jesse thought Shelby was spoiled and headstrong.

I liked this story and I liked the plot and pace. This was fast moving and had enjoyable surprises. I was surprised from the end but I did enjoy it. This book did keep my interest I liked the characters and the ins and outs of this story and I recommend.

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review 2016-02-22 09:56
A Covert Affair (Deadly Ops #5) by Katie Reus
A Covert Affair - Katie Reus

After being wounded in action, NSA agent Nathan Ortiz comes home to Miami, eager to return to duty. But he doesn't expect his newest mission to lead him straight to the one woman he loved, lost, and has never gotten over.

A beautiful, successful restaurateur, Amelia Rios enjoys giving back to her community, especially to struggling women. Then a woman she recently hired stops showing up for work, and, unfortunately, she isn’t the first to go missing.

Soon Amelia finds herself thrust into a shadowy, dark world, working side by side with Nathan, the only man she’s ever loved. They must confront old feelings as they battle a ruthless enemy preying on the poor and weak. The heat simmering between Nathan and Amelia could mean a second chance for them—but first they have to survive.







My Reviews:

I'm a sucker for reunion romances. I say it all the time but it works for Covert Affair. Although I think I was expecting something different maybe it did pull through in the end for me. I liked the way that Amelia and Nathan played off of one another because their personalities meshed in just the right way that really made you believe that there was more than hollow past, there was passion and emotion that continued long into the time that they spent away from one another and was reignited when they were reunited. I really enjoyed a Covert Affair from beginning to end and would recommend it to anyone.







My Rating:







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Note: I received a print copy in exchange for an honest review from Berkley Publishing

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