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text 2022-01-15 08:59
Eco-friendly Cleaning Tips Even Your Children can Follow



House cleaning is an important task. Therefore, we have some eco-friendly cleaning tips that even your children can follow.


With eco-friendly cleaning tips, you can protect your environment. In other words, we all should play our role through green living. Green products can help save energy and reduce the pollution level. These products benefit the environment and improve human health.


The good news is that it's possible to use eco-friendly products and keep your house clean at the same time. Although hiring a commercial cleaning company can help you take care of household tasks, you can use some tips to do it yourself.


Here are 14 eco-friendly cleaning tips. If you follow these tips, you can achieve your house cleaning goals and stay on top of toxic waste.

Fly repellent solution


With a DIY fruit fly repellent, you can keep those annoying fruit flies away from your home. Here is how you can make it: Get a mason bowel and fill it with an equal amount of dish soap and apple cider vinegar. Put some holes in brown paper and wrap it around the bowel.


The smell of this mixture will attract fruit flies. They will hover over the bowel and get in one by one. But they won't be able to get out due to the soap inside.

Organic cloth diapers


If you have a toddler, you may need to change their diaper several times a day. But the problem is that ready-made diapers are not good for the environment. Most of them end up in local landfills.


If you are looking for an organic alternative, you can try organic cloth diapers. You can wash and reuse them several times. But if you can't take the hassle of cleaning these diapers, you can opt for disposable or biodegradable products.

Vinegar to eliminate germs


Most homeowners use vinegar almost every day. You may have this solution in your kitchen already. The thing is that distilled vinegar is on the list of green cleaning products. With this solution, you can eliminate common germs without any trouble.


You can make this solution yourself. Just mix equal parts of water and white vinegar. Once the mixture is ready, pour it into a spray bottle. With this mixture, you can break down grease on various surfaces in your home.

Lemon juice to polish wooden floors


You can make vinegar more effective by mixing lemon juice in it. This type of mixture is ideal for polishing wood floors. Just mix half a cup of fresh lemon juice with one full cup of olive oil. Shake the container until the mixture is all set.


Besides, undiluted lemon juice can also remove stains from your bathroom tiles, carpets, and kitchen tables.

Go for plants


You can place some real plants in your house rather than use artificial air fresheners daily. Some types of plants emit fragrance and purify the air in your home. For instance, you can go for Spider Plants, Peace Lilies, and English Ivies. They can help you achieve this purpose.


Apart from air purification, these plants can make your house look more beautiful.

Reusable shopping bags


Reusable shopping bags can help reduce plastic waste. You can choose from different designs, colours and sizes. They are easy to carry and you can keep them in your car locker.

Old newspapers


Use old newspapers to wipe down surfaces, such as mirrors and windows. They can prove a good alternative to paper towels. Plus, they don't leave bits of lint or streakers behind.

Refrigerator Cleaner


Use a water and vinegar solution to clean your fridge. However, if you want to use the stainless exterior, you should use undiluted vinegar. Diluted vinegar may leave behind streaks on the exterior.

Garbage disposal cleaner


You can use a few citrus peels or a squeezed half of lemon to clean your garbage disposal cleaner. As an alternative, you can add a cup of white vinegar and half a cup of baking soda along with water. After a while, you can rinse it.

Toilet bowl cleaner


Make a mixture of one cup of vinegar and 1/4 cup of baking soda. Once the mixture is ready, pour it into your sink and scrub and rinse after a few minutes. Besides, you can achieve the same results with a mixture of lemon juice and borax. Apply vinegar to rust stains and brush using baking soda after 10 to 12 hours.

Carpet stain remover


Mix equal parts of water and white vinegar in a spray bottle. Shake the bottle and spray it on carpet stains. After a few minutes, use lukewarm soapy water and a sponge or brush to remove the stains.


Cornstarch can help remove fresh grease stains. After spraying, wait for at least 15 minutes and then suck it up with a vacuum cleaner.

Stovetop cleaner


Use vinegar spray or soapy water to clean glass or ceramic stoves. If there are stubborn stains, apply soapy water and baking soda to the area and then cover it up with a damp towel for 30 minutes.


After half an hour, remove the cover and use a damp piece of rag to wipe it down. You may use a silicone spatula to separate food from the stove.

Oven Cleaner


You can make an organic over cleaner using a mixture of an equal amount of water, baking soda and salt. After the mixture turns into a thick paste, apply it to the inside of your oven. After 10 to 12 hours, use a spoon to remove the paste and wipe it down. If you notice stubborn stains, use a ball of fine steel wool to rub and remove them.

Window Cleaner


A mixture of two teaspoons of white vinegar and a quarter of lukewarm water makes an ideal window cleaner. Get a black and white old newspaper, soak it in the mixture and clean the windows with it.


Ideally, you should clean your windows in the evening. Cleaning when the sun is shining on them will leave behind streaks. And don't use an extremely strong solution as it may etch the glass and reduce the shine.


London Domestic Cleaners can help you professionally clean your house. It’s one of the best cleaning companies out there.


 © London Domestic Cleaners





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text 2021-11-30 17:13
Cleaning the Eco-friendly Way at Home - Tips You Can Use Today


If you want to go green, you can cut down on the chemicals while doing your dishes and washing laundry. It can help you protect the environment and save plenty of money. In this article, we have shared some tips for you to clean the eco-friendly way at home. With these green cleaning tips, you will be able to avoid harsh chemicals and save daily. Read on to find out more.


Use multi-purpose products whenever possible


First of all, you should use a multi-purpose product if possible. The beauty of these products is that they can deliver great results on a wide range of fabrics and surfaces as they are effective. Plus, they can help eliminate bad odours as well.


If you have some stains on your carpet, you can use these products to remove stains even before washing them in the washing machine. You can use these products to refresh your sofas, mattresses, hats, and caps, just name of you.


Reuse those old toothbrushes


Another trick is to use your old toothbrushes. You don't need to throw away your old nail brushes or toothbrushes. The thing is that they can be really useful if you are trying to clean awkward areas. For example, if you want to clean your water bottle dispensers, you can use these old toothbrushes. Similarly, you can use these old toothbrushes for cleaning the soles of your shoes.


Reuse your kitchen towel


Your kitchen towel can also be recycled. Since you cannot reuse an old towel that is made from virgin wood pulp, we suggest that you switch to a reusable kitchen towel. Generally, they are made from other materials such as bamboo. These towels can be reused several times.


Invest in baking soda


Baking soda is a multipurpose product as it is made from a lot of multipurpose ingredients. You can use baking soda to make your toilet bowl shine once again. What you need to do is put one cup of baking soda into your toilet bowl and let it sit for 60 minutes. Before flushing, you should add an equal amount of white vinegar. After one hour, you should flush it to wash away all types of stains and discolouration.


If your fridge smells bad, baking soda is your friend. All you need to do is remove the lid of the box of baking soda and put it on the backside of your fridge. Baking soda can absorb all of the stinks and needs to be replaced every 3 months.


Besides, you may want to make it a habit to solve through your pantry and refrigerator, check the expiry dates of every box, and remove bad food. Finally, you may want to organize everything in your refrigerator. Clean all of the bins and shelves and wipe down surfaces with a multi-purpose spray.


Upcycle waste paper and magazines


If you have a pile of old magazines and newspapers in your home, you can upcycle them instead of recycling them. You can check out some do-it-yourself tutorials on YouTube to make a lot of interesting things out of old newspapers. For example, you can turn old newspapers into baskets of different shapes. It will be a fun activity in your spare time.


Reuse your plastic bottles


Although it may be difficult for most homeowners, you can reuse old bottles of plastic. For example, you can fill these bottles with soil, put some seeds in them, and then place them in your garden.


 Alternatively, you can use these plastic bottles for some small plants. In the fall, you can put the cuttings of your favourite flower plants in these soil-filled bottles. They will serve as a type of plastic pots or seed containers for your mini greenhouse. You can also grow your favourite fruits or vegetables in these containers.


Use plants to get rid of pests


Are you tired of those tiny creatures lurking around your house? If so, you can get rid of them using the strategic placement of plants. This will help you use plants in place of chemicals to clean your house while protecting the environment.


If you want to protect your house against spiders, you can pour a couple of drops of citronella oil into your essential oil burner. Alternatively, you can burn a couple of citronella-scented candles if you are available in your area.


On the other hand, mice cannot stand spearmint or peppermint. All you need to do is place a couple of pots with peppermint around the places where are you spot mice in your house. As an alternative, you can dip a few balls of cotton wool and insert them into the cracks and holes of these rodents.

So, you can try out these 7 eco-friendly cleaning tips to protect your home and environment at the same time.

© London Domestic Cleaners




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text 2021-08-16 10:03
How to Green Clean the House Like a Pro


For your typical cleaning routine, you rely on so many cleaning products, but have you thought of their negative effects? Chemical-based cleaners could be harmful to your health, which is why green cleaning methods are a reasonable solution. Once you manage to adopt the right eco-friendly cleaning hacks, you will enjoy a spotless house and at the same time avoid the downsides of commercial detergents. Here’s what you need to do so that you can master green cleaning:


  • Clean with natural ingredients – plenty of eco-friendly cleaning solutions are available at the store, but you are certainly not obliged to take advantage of them. If spending money on store-bought products is not an option for you, you can easily green clean your place with DIY mixtures. Depending on the surface you want to disinfect, you should mix affordable ingredients like baking soda, white distilled vinegar, salt and essential oils. Those substances have fabulous cleaning qualities that allow you to sanitise and deodorise your premises, as well as to treat all sorts of stains around the house.


  • Purify the air naturally – to green clean like a real expert, you need to ditch those chemical air fresheners used to add fresh scent indoors. As harmless as these products might seem, they are based on toxic ingredients you should banish from your home. To refresh and cleanse indoor air, you can count on eco-friendly ingredients like baking soda and essential oils. Make your natural air freshener by mixing distilled water with your favourite essential oil like lavender or lemon and spray the solution anywhere at your place. To banish unpleasant smells trapped in textile items like the carpet and the upholstery, sprinkle a generous amount of baking soda. This ingredient has a huge absorbent potential that will leave the treated surface fresh and free from unwanted odours.


  • Get rid of chemicals safely – as soon as you decide to adopt green cleaning techniques, you will want to say goodbye to all those toxic detergents stored at your place. While getting rid of chemical products is an important step towards an eco-friendly cleaning routine, you need to be careful when disposing of your toxic detergents. Because these products contain a lot of harmful ingredients that are not biodegradable, you should never throw them in the trash or pour them down the drain. Doing so might eventually affect the water supply, which is why safe methods of disposing of are crucial. To discard chemical cleansers reasonably, just contact your local recycling centre. The experts will let you know how to address the task the right way.


  • Choose a green cleaning service – you don’t clean the house on your own? Don’t worry, many cleaning companies have already discovered the advantages of green cleaning and they can successfully apply safe cleaning methods to keep your place germ-free. So before you hire a cleaning company, ask for the supplies they utilise when cleaning the carpet or wiping the bathroom tiles. Chances are you find a green cleaning service sooner than you expect. If you can’t find a company willing to apply its eco-friendly cleaning products, you can simply ask the pros to use your quality DIY natural mixtures.


Follow these tips, so that you can master green cleaning. When disinfecting your place, use only eco-friendly ingredients like baking soda and essential oils. Instead of purchasing air fresheners at the store, rely on safe DIY solutions to purify the air. To keep nature safe, make sure you dispose of chemical-based cleansers the right way. In case you want to take advantage of a professional domestic cleaning company, hire experts who are devoted to green cleaning.


© London Domestic Cleaners

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text 2021-08-10 04:15
The Benefits of Cleaning with Eco-friendly Materials


Going green is more than just recycling waste or using green cleaning products. Fastklean believes it is a lifestyle. It has to do with the mentality of saving the planet. Do you know that each choice you make as a person or a consumer can affect the world around you either positively or negatively? And in light of recent environmental events, there may not be a better time to become more environmentally friendly.

One of the commonest misconceptions about going green is the idea that it is expensive and time-consuming. This is not true; in fact, the opposite is the case. One of the most efficient ways to battle the damage done to the atmosphere is to use as many eco-friendly cleaning products as possible. This is because these products are biodegradable, non-toxic, and safe. Green cleaning can lessen air and water pollution, helping in the fight against ozone depletion and other climatic problems.

Fastklean may have mentioned a few benefits of eco-friendly cleaning but let us talk about the general benefits in more detail.

It promotes your health and that of the environment: Have you ever considered going green? If yes, then you are actually making the right choice for yourself, your family, and the environment. Not only will you rest easy knowing you are playing your role in the fight against the harm done by chemical-based products, but you are also contributing to the health and safety of yourself, your family, and the environment at large. That sounds like a win-win situation.

Eco-friendly products can always improve both indoor and outdoor air quality, reducing the chances of contracting illnesses and other health complications. Green products are also not corrosive, so there will be no problem regarding toxicity.

Eco-friendly products are not expensive: Contrary to what people believe, eco-friendly products are cheap and simple, at least compared to other traditional chemical-based products. Two of the commonly used eco-friendly products are vinegar and baking soda. There are other products like olive oil and citric products like lemon, which can be gotten at half the cost of their counterparts but are just as effective.

Even if you opt to purchase eco-friendly products from the stores, you will end up spending less money in the long run. Give it a try when next you go shopping. You will realize that green cleaning products are actually cheaper.

Green products get rid of smell: Air quality is important both indoors and outdoors. Chemical-based products are made of chemicals, as the name rightly implies, and these chemicals come with different smells that are harsh. Would you want your home to always smell of ammonia or bleach? The right answer would be NO. So you can do yourself a favour and skip all the chemical stink that comes with the traditional cleaning products, and start using green products today. Whether you are making them yourself or you are buying already made green cleaning products, eco-friendly products are sure to offer you more pleasant smells. Take the citric products, for instance.

Green products can help your items last longer: One effect green products have on different items is it helps your belongings stay longer in good conditions. Traditional cleaning products contain a lot of toxic chemicals that are sometimes harmful to the belongings, affecting their texture, appearance, and general life after a period of time. Also, the effects of these chemical-based products are not as long-lasting as that of green and eco-friendly products. You can always ensure the longevity of all your items when you use green cleaning products.


Green products guarantee general safety: If you have little children or senior citizens in the house, it would be nice to try using more eco-friendly products. These groups of people are usually susceptible to chemicals, and chemical poisoning is a thing. Making a transition from chemical-based products to eco-friendly products makes the environment safe enough for the very young and old alike. Another benefit would be that you will have the chance to teach the little children about eco-friendliness from a very young age.


In the end, eco-friendliness should be the way to go. These are the major benefits, and there are more which you can discover when you make the transition. Start cleaning green today and save yourself and the atmosphere from further damage.


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© FastKlean

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text 2021-06-07 08:59
Cleaning with Lemons 101 - What you Need to Know



Welcome back to our blog! 

If you follow many of the eco-friendly cleaning tips published around, you should know by now that lemons are one of the most useful ingredients for this kind of cleaning. With a few citrus fruits by your side, you can keep your home fresh and clean at all times. 

In this guide, we will take a look at 10 things you can do with lemons. Some of these are simple cleaning solutions, others shed more light on things that you should never mix lemons with. Let’s get started: 

  • Neutralising the smell of vinegar – if you are an avid eco-friendly cleaner, perhaps you regularly resort to vinegar. As good as vinegar is at various cleaning tasks, it does come with one big drawback – it leaves a rather strong smell, which not everyone likes. Thankfully, lemon juice can tone that down. Not only will it neutralise the smell, but also boost the cleaning power of vinegar. Lemon juice and vinegar make for a very potent combination of eco-friendly ingredients, which you should use in your home. 

  • Clean glass – lemon juice mixed with vinegar presents a great tool for cleaning glass surfaces and windows in your home. What you will need for this DIY spray is 1bsp. of white vinegar, 2tbsp. lemon juice, 1 cup of hot water and a spray bottle to mix it all in. When you are done with creating the solution, simply spray on the glass surface and wipe. 

  • Use lemon juice as a degreaser – another good thing you can use lemon juice and vinegar is to de-grease messy areas. The next time you have trouble with the stovetop, just go for half a cup of lemon juice and 2 cups of white vinegar mixed. Spritz the area and then wipe with a clean rag. 

  • Scrub dishes with lemon juice – for dishes with stubborn stains, you will want to go with one rather simple solution, which doesn’t necessarily involve endless scrubbing with dishwashing soap. Slice a lemon in half and put salt on it. The acidic properties of the lemon plus the abrasiveness added by the salt will make short work of any mess. 

  • Clean your microwave – one of the best things you can do with lemons is to clean your microwave like a pro. Pour half a cup of lemon juice into a microwave-safe container. Squeeze 2 lemon halves in the liquid and then toss them in there as well. Microwave this for about 3 minutes. When it is done, don’t be quick to take it out. Instead, let it release some steam inside for a few more minutes. It will soften any gunk and splatters, making it super easy to wipe with a damp cloth. 

  • Remove stains naturally – did you know that lime and lemon juice is a perfect natural bleaching agent? This makes it perfect for removing stains. Sweat and deodorant marks don’t stand a chance against it. And it is also good against rust stains. Remember not to use it on any colourful fabrics, as there is the danger of it causing discolouration. 

  • Repel ants with lemon peels – ants often find their way inside the home. One thing that can help you against this issue is lemon peels. The way you use them is by putting lemon peels in a pot, then adding enough vinegar till you cover them. Heat that mixture and then leave it overnight. Strain the liquid and spray it where the ants are coming in. You won’t see them again. 

All of these tips using lemons work fantastic, so don’t hesitate to give them a shot! 

© FastKlean


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