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text 2014-03-03 21:48
Why I can't read Full Metal Alchemist, but love Azumanga Daioh
Azumanga Daioh Vol. 1 - Kiyohiko Azuma
Fullmetal Alchemist (3-in-1 Edition), Vol. 1: Includes vols. 1, 2 & 3 - Hiromu Arakawa

Why I can't read Full Metal Alchemist, but love Azumangah Daioh; Or, a (very) brief exploration of Great Pyrenees in japanese popular culture.


So, Full Metal Alchemist is fabulous, but every time I even think about it, I think of these two, Nina and Alexander. Alexander is, according to the FMA wiki based on something the author once said, a Great Pyrenees. They are SO adorable together, but they possibly the most tragic storyline in any anime or manga I've ever seen or read. And trust me, Japan does tragedy, but these two go right over the top.



Right about the year I first saw the original FMA anime, this is who was running around in my back yard: 

That'd be my daughter Kajsa, and Lina who most definitely was a Great Pyrenees. And they were absolutely the best of friends, spending pretty much 24/7 together. When Kajsa went to nap, Lina would be sleep across the doorway so nobody could get in.  That's if they didn't just curl up together in a pile of girl and dog under some furniture somewhere. Pretty much from the day she was born, until she started preschool, they were constant companions. Lina taught her how to walk (by letting her lean up against her and then slowly standing... beats those wheeled walker chairs any day :). 


Luckily manga redeems itself with the most adorable Azumanga Daioh. Which also has a cute little girl with ponytails named Chiyo, and her Great Pyrenees, named Tadakichi-san.  


Azumanga is a simple, humourous little series of comic strips that became a rather famous series of short anime episodes too. It's about a bunch of mismatched girls at school, and the quirky weirdness they get up to. For instance, Chiyo, although only 10, is a genius and already at high school with the rest of the crowd, but is by far the smartest of them. She's also very much an 10 year old, and quite silly and still into little girl things and the results can be quite hilarious: she likes to bake cookies, but turns the entire thing into a massive chemistry project. There's another character who is obsessed with cats, and loves them, but every time she tries to pat one, it tries to kill her. Until she somehow ends up adopting a wild cat (Iriamote cat, which may as well be a bobcat, but is very sweet and loving to .. well just her). Me and my girls always thought it was bust out loud funny, so if you can stand the cute, definitely worth checking out in either book or anime form (it's only 5 minute episodes, no big commitment :).


Anyway, we lost Lina not so long ago, and seeing the FMA posts scrolling up my dash put me in mind of her. She was almost 15, and for a giant breed dog that is a very ripe old age, and when the time came, she was ready, even if I wasn't. But it hurt a lot.


To be honest Grim, if you're reading this, don't worry, I really did finish watching the original anime, even if the Nina and Alexander story was horrible and almost put me off. But I don't think I could do the books. And it inspired me to dig out some happy Pyr manga and anime, and they just don't come happier than AD. 


So here's a clip of what happens when everyone is worried that Tadakichi san might get eaten by the Iriamote cat: 


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eMyvvI21kp8 since the embed doesn't work on the dash, only on the post.

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review 2014-01-01 11:50
Full Metal Alchemist N. 27 - Hiromu Arakawa

"Una lezione senza dolore è inutile. Non puoi ottenere qualcosa senza sacrificare nulla in cambio. Ma quando l’avrai ottenuta e fatta tua, otterrai un insostituibile cuore d’acciaio."

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text 2013-12-06 00:28
My Favourite Animes!


So, I've told you about my favourite mangas and now it's time for me to share my favourite animes. Other than D-Gray Man and Vampire Knight, which were both mentioned in my manga post, my favourite animes are as follows:


Attack on Titan: This anime is tied for first with D-Gray Man. It has an amazing premise and is so creepy. Definitely one of the most brutal animes that I've watched. Lots of blood and gore, but it never seems unnecessary to the story or the premise, which centres around the remaining group of humankind, who are separated from man-eating giants by three weakening walls. It's just brutal. Kind of like the Game of Thrones of anime. This series is currently incomplete, but absolutely amazing none the less. I give this anime five out of five stars. 


Darker Than Black: You can find this short, completed anime on Netflix. It isn't as dark as Attack on Titan, but still very intense. Really cool story line centred around magical individuals known as contractors. I really appreciate that this is one of the few animes that I've watched that actually has an ending. Most animes I start are still in production or left incomplete. I give this anime four and a half out of five stars.


InuYasha: InuYasha is a childhood favourite of mine. I absolutely love the humour, the romance, and the demon-hunting premise. Such a great anime. I love it for totally different reasons than Attack on Titan or Darker than Black, but I love it just the same. It 's just so satisfying to watch. Though it has more humour than some of my other favourites, it can still be very intense and action-packed. I give InuYasha five out five stars, but I know that part of that is sentimental attachment. 


Kaze No Stigma: Also on Netflix, Kaze No Stigma has only one season out currently. The plot is centred around individuals who can manipulate the elements. Not only is this anime infused with great humour, but also with lots of action and drama. Very funny and entertaining. I give it four and a half out of five stars.


I also really love Full Metal Alchemist (four and half out of five stars), and Dragon Ball Z, which was another childhood favourite (four out of five stars).


Do you all like watching anime? If so, what are your favourites?




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