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url 2015-11-29 21:25
Scientists Just Discovered Your Cat Might Be Trying To Kill You, And The Evidence Is Scary.

It's no accident....


Ever wonder what your furry babies are thinking as they watch you silently from their perches? Or why they'll occasionally lick your hand or brow? Don't be fooled. Chances are they're contemplating their next meal...YOU:

"Recent studies conducted at the University of Edinburgh and the Bronx Zoo resulted in scientists now understanding more about our little feline “friends” than ever before. By comparing domestic cats behavior to that of their wild cousins, scientists have found something so unsettling that will have you sleeping with one eye open.


You see, your beloved house cat might be a cute, ball-chasing bundle of fur… but she might also be plotting your demise.


What they found was that domestic cats and lions strongly share traits relating to dominance, impulsiveness, and neuroticism. In fact, if your cat was bigger, it might just consider making you its dinner."





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Be afraid. Be very afraid. 


Read more here.

Source: rachelbookharlot.booklikes.com
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url 2015-02-15 22:28
Listverse has a BBA List!

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url 2014-08-25 21:21
Kitty's Christmas Hope
Kitty's Christmas Hope (Dreams Come True) (Volume 3) - Sharon Kleve
Kitty Skinner meets the perfect guy, he's kind, considerate and sexy as hell. She hopes to spend her favorite holiday with him, Christmas Eve. The only problem is, Aaron treats her like his best friend, not the girlfriend she dreams of being. To make matters worse he’s found his perfect girl and wants Kitty to help plan their first date.

Aaron Tyler thinks Kitty is sweet, talented and someone he can settle down with, but believes he has to deceive her into believing he cares for someone else to win her heart.

Nothing goes as planned when one mishap after another prevents them from admitting their true feelings.
Source: www.amazon.com/Kittys-Christmas-Hope-Dreams-Come-ebook/dp/B00J4YMOPW/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1408999587&sr=8-3&keywords=sharon+kleve
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url 2014-04-13 16:20
The Gal on Luxury Reading #1 - Kitty Genovese
Kitty Genovese: The Murder, the Bystanders, the Crime That Changed America - Kevin Cook
Source: the-gal-in-the-blue-mask.blogspot.com/2014/04/the-gal-on-luxury-reading-1-kitty.html
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review 2013-10-07 17:06
W świecie fizyki i Wszechświecie widzianym oczami fizyka
Krótka historia Stephena Hawkinga - Kitty Ferguson

Kim jest Stephen Hawking? Tak postawione pytanie to właściwie pytanie retoryczne, bowiem nawet największy laik wie, że to ów znany naukowiec unieruchomiony na wózku inwalidzkim. W dużej mierze dzięki temu, że Hawking jest nie tylko wybitnym astrofizykiem, ale i ikoną popkultury. Kitty Ferguson to z kolei autorka książek o tematyce naukowej, która potrafi z niezwykłą łatwością przekładać język fizyki teoretycznej na język bardziej przystępny dla odbiorcy nie posiadającego gruntownego przygotowania z tej dziedziny. Jej literacka przygoda z Hawkingiem rozpoczęła się książką: „Stephen Hawking: Poszukiwania teorii wszystkiego”. Pozycja okazała się bestsellerem. Przygoda trwa więc dalej, bo w tym roku ukazała się kolejna publikacja: „Krótka historia Stephena Hawkinga” – znakomite połączenie książki popularnonaukowej z biografią...


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