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Search tags: how-do-you-block-someone-on-aol
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quote 2015-05-26 21:17
“You can’t think yourself out of a writing block; you have to write yourself out of a thinking block.”

~ John Rogers

Source: writingquotes.tumblr.com/post/119953116240/you-cant-think-yourself-out-of-a-writing-block
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quote 2014-11-15 22:17
You can't be blocked if you just keep on writing words. Any words. People who get 'blocked' make the mistake of thinking they have to write good words.

~ Martha Grimes

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quote 2014-02-24 22:49
"You know, it was a revelation to me to learn that I don't have to be comfortable. Nowhere is it written that I must be comfortable. I always thought if I felt nervous or anxious or unhappy I had to do something about it. But I learned that's not true. Bad feelings won't kill me. Alcohol will kill me, but my feelings won't."
Eight Million Ways to Die - Lawrence Block

Eight Million Ways to Die, from Mary's qualifying at AA.

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review 2013-12-20 20:27
And here I am poised above with my arms spread flying and there are halos of light spinning out of us and yes this is me becoming holy human and my own self.
Roses and Bones: Myths, Tales, and Secrets (Bind Up) - Francesca Lia Block

- Francesca Lia Block, Roses & Bones, "Echo"

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