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text 2020-04-11 07:51
HTML Tutorial for beginners - Learn HTML

HTML is a very simple and popular language and every programmer or coder will aware of this language. You may be surprised after knowing that about 1.3 billion websites online today are using HTML language in one way or the other. Don’t be confused between HTTP and HTML, I think many of use will know the difference but those who are beginners will be confused in these different terms. 

What is HTML?

HTML stands for hypertext Markup Language which is used to create the structure of the Web page and web applications. With the help of HTML, you can link one web page to another using HTML hyperlink tag There are many tags in HTML and most of the tags has it’s own attributes. Each HTML tag performs a different function on the web page. You can create Tables, insert an image, send data to the server using input type tag with its attributes. There are many websites on the Internet from where you can learn HTML like W3Schools.

Features of HTML

  • It describes the structure of the Web page. 
  • With the help of HTML tags, you can perform different functions on a web page.
  • Compatible with all popular every browser.
  • Platform Independent.


Structure of HTML


<!DOCTYPE html>

<html lang="en">



<title> Page Title </title>



<h1> This is a Heading </h1>

<p> This is a Paragraph </p>





<!DOCTYPE html> define the document of HTML version.

<html> describe the web document. It is the root element.

</html> Everything you will write on web page should be inside these tags.

<head> It contains information like author name, company, description, etc.

<title> It always writes inside the head tag. It specifies the title of the Web page.

<body> It contains the information which will be displayed on your web page. 

<h1> It is a heading tag that defines the heading of your document(web page).


History of HTML

HTML             1991

HTML2.0        1995

HTML 3.2       1997

HTML 4.01     1999

XHTML           2000

HTML5           2014

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text 2020-04-11 07:46
HTML Input Types - HTML5 form input types

The  HTML input type is used to control the web-based forms to accept data from the user. Users can enter data using forms and these input types elements in HTML help to send data to the server and makes it easier for the browser to understand that the data is valid or not.

There are so many input types in HTML like HTML input email, date, button, etc.. let’s see the most common HTML input type attributes.


Common HTML form input types


  • Text Field: It is used for one-line text input fields.
  • Password: It is used for one-line Password input fields.
  • Submit: Specifies a submit button to submit the form to the server.
  • Reset: Reset all values in the form.
  • Radio: Allows select one option.
  • Checkbox: Allow selecting multiple options form.
  • Button: A clickable button to perform Task.
  • File: Defines to select the file from device storage.



You can try all these examples on your PC, laptop or using an online HTML Editor.

Form Input Restrictions


  • Disabled: disabled the input field.
  • Max: maximum value for an input field.
  • Maxlength: maximum number of characters for an input field.
  • Min: minimum value for an input field.
  • Pattern: the regular expression to check the input value against.
  • Readonly: specifies that an input field is read-only that cannot be changed.
  • Size: defines the width (in characters) of an input field.
  • Value: specifies the default value for an input field.



HTML5 Input Types

HTML5 introduced 13 new input types attributes. Here is the list of all attributes.


HTML Input type email

The HTML input type email is used to create an input field for email addresses.

Syntax: <input type=”email”> 


HTML Number Fields

The HTML input type Number is used to create input fields to enter numbers only. If you try to enter an alphabet or symbols then it will show errors.


Syntax: <input type=”number”>


HTML Search Fields

The HTML input type search is used to create a search box by using the placeholder attribute.

Syntax: <input type=”search”>



The HTML input type URL is used to enter URLs of any web-based link.

Syntax: <input type=”url”>


HTML Telephone Number Fields

The HTML input type Telephone Number is used for phone numbers only.

Syntax:  <input type=”tel”>


HTML Range Fields

The HTML input type Range is used to create a slider to select a value within a range of two values. 

Syntax: <input type=type=”range” min=”0” max=”10”>


HTML Date Fields

The HTML input type Date is used to create an input area to enter the date.

Syntax: <input type=”date”>


HTML Month Fields

The HTML input type month is used to provide month options.

Syntax: <input type=”month”>


HTML Week Fields

The HTML input type week is used to provide week options.

Syntax: <input type=”week”>


HTML Time Fields

The HTML input type time is used to provide time options.

Syntax: <input type=”time”>


HTML Datetime-local Fields

The HTML input type Datetime-local is used to Enter Date and time together in a single input field.

Syntax: <input type=”datetime-local”>


HTML Color Fields

The HTML input type color is used Enter Date and time together in a single input field.

Syntax: <input type=”color”>


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text 2019-07-19 08:21
Top Benefits of Product Design Tool to Your Printing Business


These days, web to print industry is one of the fastest growing. When it comes to custom printed products, design is about solving problems and most important “feature. So if you are planning to start your own online custom printing business, you would be keen to invest in product customization tool to enable online customers to put all elements on the design canvas on their own products with most user friendly & productive tools. Read more...


Know more about the html5 product designer tool here. Think about it…

Source: printshopmanagementsoftware.wordpress.com/2019/07/19/things-to-consider-while-choosing-product-design-tool
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