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text 2020-04-11 07:51
HTML Tutorial for beginners - Learn HTML

HTML is a very simple and popular language and every programmer or coder will aware of this language. You may be surprised after knowing that about 1.3 billion websites online today are using HTML language in one way or the other. Don’t be confused between HTTP and HTML, I think many of use will know the difference but those who are beginners will be confused in these different terms. 

What is HTML?

HTML stands for hypertext Markup Language which is used to create the structure of the Web page and web applications. With the help of HTML, you can link one web page to another using HTML hyperlink tag There are many tags in HTML and most of the tags has it’s own attributes. Each HTML tag performs a different function on the web page. You can create Tables, insert an image, send data to the server using input type tag with its attributes. There are many websites on the Internet from where you can learn HTML like W3Schools.

Features of HTML

  • It describes the structure of the Web page. 
  • With the help of HTML tags, you can perform different functions on a web page.
  • Compatible with all popular every browser.
  • Platform Independent.


Structure of HTML


<!DOCTYPE html>

<html lang="en">



<title> Page Title </title>



<h1> This is a Heading </h1>

<p> This is a Paragraph </p>





<!DOCTYPE html> define the document of HTML version.

<html> describe the web document. It is the root element.

</html> Everything you will write on web page should be inside these tags.

<head> It contains information like author name, company, description, etc.

<title> It always writes inside the head tag. It specifies the title of the Web page.

<body> It contains the information which will be displayed on your web page. 

<h1> It is a heading tag that defines the heading of your document(web page).


History of HTML

HTML             1991

HTML2.0        1995

HTML 3.2       1997

HTML 4.01     1999

XHTML           2000

HTML5           2014

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review 2017-07-07 19:28
Get Coding!: Learn HTML, CSS & JavaScrip... Get Coding!: Learn HTML, CSS & JavaScript & Build a Website, App & Game - Young Rewired State

For any computer wiz kid or inspiring to be, this book is a great addition to their library. Simplified information that it can almost be considered a dummy guide for adults as well, lol. A number of hands on projects that help to reinforce what they've learned and just over all a lot of fun to read through.

I received a copy in exchange for an honest review.

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review 2017-06-13 00:00
Get Coding! Learn HTML, CSS, and JavaScript and Build a Website, App, and Game
Get Coding! Learn HTML, CSS, and JavaScr... Get Coding! Learn HTML, CSS, and JavaScript and Build a Website, App, and Game - Young Rewired State I love the idea behind Get Coding! Learn HTML, CSS & JavaScript and build a website, app & game. I think the developers can really make this work. The 'helping of the Professor', the slow reveal of the 'story', and other elements combine to make learning feel a bit less like learning and a bit more like fun. And even though there is good bit of repetition of typing code in the exercises (as there should be) it never really gets boring.

However, there are some problems with the coding that need to be fixed. Carets missing, photos named wrong, etc. It's little stuff, but for a subject where one little line can stop everything from working, it's very important that it all be on point. Some of this could simply be because it's an ARC copy, but this is one of those cases where the errors prevented me from being able to give an accurate assessment of the book's ability to teach children to code, so it's a bit of a problem. I debated on whether to mention this, but ultimately I decided to because this is not like a regular ARC where a misspelled word or a missing punctuation mark might be annoying, but it's not a big deal. Instead, it halts the whole exercise in it's tracks if you've messed something up. I think I found them only because I went through the exercises one by one, just like a child learning from the book would do.

None of the other reviews on Goodreads I've seen mention the problems, but I double and triple-checked myself as well as copied and pasted the code directly from the website in some instances and still came up with errors unless I inserted things like the colon between 'Float" and "left/right" as is continuously absent in the book.

Overall, a fantastic idea and one I hope to see replicated for other projects in the future. Solid premise, great layout, clear text. All good stuff! Just a few errors to fix.

Disclaimer: I received a copy of this book from Netgalley for review consideration.
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