The latest Louise Penny, one of the very few authors I will buy on day one, not waiting for a sale or anything. I love these books, I love Armand Gamache and I love all the characters in the books and I haven't read a Gamache book I haven't adored yet.
And this one is no exception.
As always, Louise manages to weave the questions of real life into the Inspector's search for answers to the latest crime.. I tried to read it slow and savour it, but you know, I couldn't I started it late Saturday afternoon and finished it Sunday morning. And I laughed and I cried and I marveled at what some might call the human condition that Louise sees and writes about so well.
This time, I wasn't so sure about the guilty party up until quite near to the reveal. That always makes me happy. :)
All the beloved characters are back, feeling just like old friends. This time, I felt like we spent a little more time with the gang from le Sureté than the bunch from Three Pines. And that's not a slam, because I love le Sureté that Louise has created and could only wish that the real one was getting the same much needed cleaning up!
Now it looks like we're going to love my beloved Jean-Guy and his family to Paris and I'm just heart-broken about it! Jean-Guy is so much the Quebecois heart of the Gamache books and he's so familiar to me, I am going to miss him horribly! Unless something happens to bring him home. Nothing bad! No tragedy! But he needs to be home and he needs to be at Armand's side somehow. :)
Anyway, I loved the book just like I knew I would and I'm going to find it so hard to wait patiently until next year and the next Gamache tale!