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text 2020-07-23 04:52
Lets Enjoy Melbourne Japanese Summer Festival 2020 | Festival in Australia

Lets Enjoy Melbourne Japanese Summer Festival 2020 | Festival in Australia


Here we are with the Best summer festival in Melbourne. The Melbourne Japanese Summer Festival returns again in 2020 at federation square to delight Melbourne with all that Japan has to offer…Japanese drum performance great performance to watch at Australia Melbourne Japanese Summer Festival 2020. Enjoy this best Japanese festival in Melbourne & don’t forget to subscribe our channel for more interesting videos of Australia

Visit us: https://nevosisland.com/lets-enjoy-melbourne-japanese-summer-festival-2020-festival-in-australia/

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text 2019-11-13 08:31
24 Festive Tasks 2019 - Update #11



Door 1- Dia De Los Muetos (Task 1): Compose a limerick or short poem in honor of a favorite book character.

Door 1- Dia De Los Muetos (Task 2)If you like Mexican food, treat yourself to a favorite dish – and / or make yourself a margarita – and share a photo

Door 1- Dia De Los Muetos (Task 3): Write an epitaph for the book you most disliked this year.

Door 1- Dia De Los Muertos (Task 4): Do you have any traditions or mementos of happy memories of a loved one that you feel like sharing?


Door 2- Japanese Culture Day (Task 1)Tell us about a cultural festival or event in the area where you live.

Door 2- Japanese Culture Day (Task 3)Try your hand at folding a paper crane. Instructions: https://www.instructables.com/id/How-to-make-a-Paper-Crane-1/


Door 3 - Melbourne Cup Day (Task 1)Pick your Ponies (Il Paradiso placed 3rd) - one of the horses I picked. (+1 Bonus Point)

Door 3 - Melbourne Cup Day (Task 2): Roses are the official flower of Flemington Race Track; write your own “Roses are Red, Violets are Blue” poem for one of your favorite or most hated books of all time.

Door 3 - Melbourne Cup Day (Task 3)Aussies shorten everything, so Melbourne Cup Day is just called “Cup Day” – post a picture of your favorite cup or mug for your daily fix of coffee, tea or chocolate.

Door 3 - Melbourne Cup Day (Task 4)Prepare your favorite dessert – in a cup! Post a photo of it for us to enjoy vicariously.


Door 4 - Guy Fawkes Night (Task 1)Make a list of the top 3 treasonous crimes against books that an author can commit.

Door 4 - Guy Fawkes Night (Task 2)Start a revolution: What one thing would you change about the book reading world? (Be it publishing, distribution, editing, cover art, bookstores – anything having to do with books.)

Door 4 - Guy Fawkes Night (Task 4)How do you order the books on your shelves?


Door 5 - Bon Om Touk (Task 1)List / tell us about your favorite rainy day reads.


Door 6 - Veterans / Armistice Day (Task 1)Sunrise services are a staple of this day: Take a picture of the sunrise where you live and share it with us.


Door 17 - Winter Solstice (Book): Read a book that takes place in December, with ice or snow on the cover, where all events take place in a single day or night, that revolves around the solstice, set in Persia / Iran, China or the American Southwest or prominently featuring Persian / Iranian, Chinese or Native American characters, or a collection of poetry.


Door 18 - Hanukkah (Book): Read a book about light, miracles, featuring Jewish characters, set in Israel, that is the second book in a series, with the word “two” in the title, or with a light on the cover.


Door 20 - Christmas (Book): Read a Christmas book.


Total Points: 19 Points

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text 2019-11-12 19:53
Japanese Culture Day

Japanese Culture Day


Door 2:  Japanese Culture Day


Task 1: Tell us about a cultural festival or event in the area where you live.


I live near Washington, DC so there is always a cultural festival or event where I live. Just recently the Smithsonian Museums did a huge Dia de los Muertos festival day at most of the museums. I was too busy to participate though due to a lot of things and I am still bummed about that. The last big event I participated in was Museum Day on September 21, 2019. I don't think I showed the pictures here, but you have an opportunity to get a free ticket to a museum where you would usually have to pay. I chose George Mason's Gunston Hall.


Gunston Hall is an 18th-century Georgian mansion near the Potomac River in Mason Neck, Virginia, USA. The house was the home of the United States Founding Father George Mason. It was located at the center of a 5,500 acre plantation. I personally loved that the docents that you meet at the museum and then the home down the road are quite up front about Mason owning slaves though he personally did not like that "institution." It is a very good tour that I enjoyed. 

"With one child and another on the way, in 1754 Ann and George Mason committed themselves to moving out of an old, out-of-date house that George had inherited. They planned a spacious new house designed according to the latest fashions in England. Construction began in 1754 and continued for four years."


Gunston Hall. No that's not me standing in front, that is one of the museum's docents. 


The driveway leading away from Gunston Hall. It was a gorgeous day for a drive. 



The foyer of Gunston Hall with wallpaper I really want to decorate with in my home. You can see in some places the original flooring to the home. 


This is a pano picture I took that is a more formal area where the family would entertain.



Task 2: Try a flavor of Kit Kat other than chocolate and report back if you liked it.



Task 3: Try your hand at folding a paper crane. Instructions: https://www.instructables.com/id/How-to-make-a-Paper-Crane-1/

[We have been over this, I have zero artistic ability.]


Task 4: If you like Japanese food, treat yourself to a favorite dish.



Book: Read a graphic novel or a book set in a school or academic setting. Read What Kind of Girl by Alyssa B. Sheinmel on 11/12/19. 


Tasks completed: 2 


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text 2019-11-11 13:52
24 Festive Tasks 2019 - Update #10



Door 1- Dia De Los Muetos (Task 1): Compose a limerick or short poem in honor of a favorite book character.

Door 1- Dia De Los Muetos (Task 2)If you like Mexican food, treat yourself to a favorite dish – and / or make yourself a margarita – and share a photo

Door 1- Dia De Los Muetos (Task 3): Write an epitaph for the book you most disliked this year.

Door 1- Dia De Los Muertos (Task 4): Do you have any traditions or mementos of happy memories of a loved one that you feel like sharing?


Door 2- Japanese Culture Day (Task 1)Tell us about a cultural festival or event in the area where you live.

Door 2- Japanese Culture Day (Task 3)Try your hand at folding a paper crane. Instructions: https://www.instructables.com/id/How-to-make-a-Paper-Crane-1/


Door 3 - Melbourne Cup Day (Task 1)Pick your Ponies (Il Paradiso placed 3rd) - one of the horses I picked. (+1 Bonus Point)

Door 3 - Melbourne Cup Day (Task 2): Roses are the official flower of Flemington Race Track; write your own “Roses are Red, Violets are Blue” poem for one of your favorite or most hated books of all time.

Door 3 - Melbourne Cup Day (Task 3)Aussies shorten everything, so Melbourne Cup Day is just called “Cup Day” – post a picture of your favorite cup or mug for your daily fix of coffee, tea or chocolate.

Door 3 - Melbourne Cup Day (Task 4)Prepare your favorite dessert – in a cup! Post a photo of it for us to enjoy vicariously.


Door 4 - Guy Fawkes Night (Task 1)Make a list of the top 3 treasonous crimes against books that an author can commit.

Door 4 - Guy Fawkes Night (Task 2)Start a revolution: What one thing would you change about the book reading world? (Be it publishing, distribution, editing, cover art, bookstores – anything having to do with books.)

Door 4 - Guy Fawkes Night (Task 4)How do you order the books on your shelves? *I will report in the form as soon as I know it listed under the Festive Door task in main form.


Door 5 - Bon Om Touk (Task 1)List / tell us about your favorite rainy day reads.


Door 6 - Veterans / Armistice Day (Task 1)Sunrise services are a staple of this day: Take a picture of the sunrise where you live and share it with us.


Door 17 - Winter Solstice (Book): Read a book that takes place in December, with ice or snow on the cover, where all events take place in a single day or night, that revolves around the solstice, set in Persia / Iran, China or the American Southwest or prominently featuring Persian / Iranian, Chinese or Native American characters, or a collection of poetry.


Door 20 - Christmas (Book): Read a Christmas book.


Total Points: 18 Points

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text 2019-11-11 04:20
24 Festive Tasks 2019 - Update #9


Door 1- Dia De Los Muetos (Task 1): Compose a limerick or short poem in honor of a favorite book character.

Door 1- Dia De Los Muetos (Task 2)If you like Mexican food, treat yourself to a favorite dish – and / or make yourself a margarita – and share a photo

Door 1- Dia De Los Muetos (Task 3): Write an epitaph for the book you most disliked this year.

Door 1- Dia De Los Muertos (Task 4): Do you have any traditions or mementos of happy memories of a loved one that you feel like sharing?


Door 2- Japanese Culture Day (Task 1)Tell us about a cultural festival or event in the area where you live.

Door 2- Japanese Culture Day (Task 3)Try your hand at folding a paper crane. Instructions: https://www.instructables.com/id/How-to-make-a-Paper-Crane-1/


Door 3 - Melbourne Cup Day (Task 1)Pick your Ponies (Il Paradiso placed 3rd) - one of the horses I picked. (+1 Bonus Point)

Door 3 - Melbourne Cup Day (Task 2): Roses are the official flower of Flemington Race Track; write your own “Roses are Red, Violets are Blue” poem for one of your favorite or most hated books of all time.

Door 3 - Melbourne Cup Day (Task 3)Aussies shorten everything, so Melbourne Cup Day is just called “Cup Day” – post a picture of your favorite cup or mug for your daily fix of coffee, tea or chocolate.

Door 3 - Melbourne Cup Day (Task 4)Prepare your favorite dessert – in a cup! Post a photo of it for us to enjoy vicariously.


Door 4 - Guy Fawkes Night (Task 1)Make a list of the top 3 treasonous crimes against books that an author can commit.

Door 4 - Guy Fawkes Night (Task 2)Start a revolution: What one thing would you change about the book reading world? (Be it publishing, distribution, editing, cover art, bookstores – anything having to do with books.)

Door 4 - Guy Fawkes Night (Task 4)How do you order the books on your shelves? *I will report in the form as soon as I know it listed under the Festive Door task in main form.


Door 5 - Bon Om Touk (Task 1): List / tell us about your favorite rainy day reads.


Door 17 - Winter Solstice (Book): Read a book that takes place in December, with ice or snow on the cover, where all events take place in a single day or night, that revolves around the solstice, set in Persia / Iran, China or the American Southwest or prominently featuring Persian / Iranian, Chinese or Native American characters, or a collection of poetry.


Door 20 - Christmas (Book): Read a Christmas book.


Total Points: 17 Points

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