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review 2023-04-14 14:40
"ZA DRZWIAMI" Michael Marshall Smith
Za drzwiami - Michael Marshall Smith

"Za drzwiami" to rozmiarowo dosyć niewielka, bo tylko 192 stron, ale przeczytanie jej trochę mi zajęło czasu.
Książka jest historią chłopca o imieniu Mark, którego rodzice się rozwiedli, a jego mama ponownie wyszła za mąż za dawnego kolego z młodzieńczych lat. Wraz z matką i ojczymem został zmuszony do przeprowadzki z tętniącego życiem Londynu do Brighton - małej miejscowości nad oceanem. Okazało się też, że jego mama jest chora na raka płuc i nie poświęcała mu tyle uwagi co kiedyś. Z tego powodu chłopak czuł się nieszczęśliwy i samotny. Poznaje starszą panią, która mieszka w tym samym budynku i zaprzyjaźnia się z nią. Poznaje też sekret jej mieszkania, gdzie czas płynie inaczej, a teraźniejszość miesza się z przeszłością.
Najbardziej podobały mi się wiernie oddane cechy i myśli dziecka z rozbitej rodziny. Relacja Marka i Davida jest bardzo naturalna, tęsknota za ojcem prawdziwa i oczywista, tak samo jak nastawienie do matki.
Książka jest smutna i refleksyjna, ale niosąca też nadzieję. Metaforyczna opowieść o chorobie, przemijaniu, cierpieniu... O przeszłości i przyszłości, które przenikają się tu z teraźniejszością w magiczny sposób.

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text 2022-12-31 21:38
Czytelnicze podsumowanie roku 2022
Legenda o popiołach i wrzasku - Anna Bartłomiejczyk,Marta Gajewska
Stulecie winnnych. Początek - Ałbena Grabowska-Grzyb
Dzienniki 1950-1962 - Sylvia Plath,Paweł Stachura,Joanna Urban
Wszystkie kolory moich wspomnień - Emily Smith,Agnieszka Brodzik
To (nie)miłość. O trudnych związkach, bolesnych rozstaniach i składaniu złamanego serca - Mateusz Kobus
Titanic: Legacy of the World's Greatest Ocean Liner - Susan Wels
Opiekunka - Sheryl Browne,Jacek Żuławnik
Wybawiciel - Jo Nesbo,Iwona Zimnicka,Mariusz Bonaszewski
Czerwona siostra - Mark Lawrence,Michał Jakuszewski
Trzeci klucz - Jo Nesbo,Iwona Zimnicka,Tadeusz Falana

Moje książkowe "the best":

Najbardziej intrygująca książkowa postać:


Rose z książki "Legenda o popiołach i wrzasku" (Anna Bartłomiejczyk, Marta Gajewska)


Najlepsza okładka:


"Stulecie Winnych. Początek" (Ałbena Grabowska), Zwierciadło, 2021r.


Najlepszy cytat:


"(...) potem do widzenia, do widzenia moja miłości, do widzenia. Nie poczułaś żadnego cierpienia, co przecina wnętrzności jak nóż. Tylko znużenie, tęsknota za ramionami, w których można zasnąć, za objęciami, w których można by się skulić - i ich brak teraz."


"Dzienniki 1952-1960" (Sylvia Plath)

Największe zaskoczenie:


"Wszystkie kolory moich wspomnień" (Emily X.R. Pan)


Najlepszy autor:


Mateusz Kobus ("To (nie)miłość")


Najlepsza książka:


"Titanic. Legacy of the World's Greatest Liner" (William F. Buckley Jr, John P. Eaton, Charles A.Haas, George Tulloch, Susan, Wels)


Największe gnioty:


Najbardziej irytująca książkowa postać:


Melissa Caine z ksiązki "Opiekunka" (Sheryl Browne)


Najgorsza okładka:


"Wybawiciel" (Jo Nesbø), Publicat S.A., 2015r.


Najgorszy cytat:


"(...) prawda to broń, a kłamstwa są niezbędną tarczą"



"Czerwona siostra" (Mark Lawrence)

Największe rozczarowanie:


"Czerwona siostra" (Mark Lawrence)


Najgorszy autor:


Jo Nesbø ("Trzeci klucz", "Wybawiciel")


Najgorsza książka:
"Trzeci klucz" (Jo Nesbø)




W liczbach:


Wszystkich przeczytanych książek 45, w tym:

Biografie/Autobiografie/Dzienniki/Pamiętniki - 2
Czasopisma - 1
Fantastyka - 3
Film + książka - 5
Literatura faktu/Reportaże/Eseje - 4
Literatura piękna/współczesna - 2

Literatura popularnonaukowa - 17

Poradniki - 5
Thrillery/Kryminały/Sensacja - 4


W nagrodach:


Nominowani (0)


Nagrodzeni (1)

  1. 1) The Novel 100 (2003) "Przypadki Robinsona Cruzoe
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review 2022-12-26 04:46
Cookie Busters! - M.F. Smith

ChiChi invites her friends over for dinner but had no time to make dessert. Teddy Bear wants dessert. Bunny does too. They see the cookie jar on a high shelf across the kitchen. Teddy devises a plan and they're off on their cookie hunt. Will they suceed?


This is adorable. It's more for early readers as there are more words and few pictures but your older toddlers might sit for it. It is exciting as the stuffed animals come up with and execute Teddy's plan to get the cookies. He also has learned by watching Mum how to get the cookies. This is a fun read with more story than most children's books.

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text 2022-06-28 10:30
How To know If You need a 24 Hour Locksmith To Unlock Your Property?

24 Hour Lock Smith Adelaide

Being stuck outside your home, vehicle or office can be a very frustrating experience. You may have lost your keys, locked yourself out of your car, or had your wallet stolen along with the house keys. So what do you do next? Whether it's in the middle of the night, on Christmas morning, or some other inconvenient time, you need fast and reliable service from a 24 Hour Lock Smith Adelaide to get you out of trouble as soon as possible.

1. When in Need of a 24 Hour Locksmith?

Lockouts are common in big cities across globe. They can happen to anyone, at any time, and they're not limited to just residential buildings. You may experience a lockout while you're out on the town or even if you live in an urban area with plenty of buildings around you. In some cases where there's no power nearby or even a phone, it might be necessary for someone from reputed company to come out there directly! They have technicians who are available 24/7/365 (including holidays).

2. Being Locked Out of Your Vehicle

There are many ways you can be locked out of your vehicle.

  • Leaving the keys in the ignition when parking, especially in a place where they could be stolen or someone could grab them while you're inside the store
  • Leaving your door unlocked and not using an alarm system when you park overnight

If you find yourself locked out of your vehicle, there are options available to help get back into it. You can call a 24-hour locksmith who will come to you and unlock any car door within minutes, even if they have never seen that car before. The technician will even remove broken key fobs from your old vehicle so that no one else can use it again!

3. Needing a Change of Locks

If you’re moving into a new property, one of the first things you should consider is changing the locks. This will allow you to prevent intruders from accessing your home while they are working on getting copies of your keys. If you are moving out of a property, it is advisable that you change the locks before vacating as well.

Some properties have different tenants living in them on an ongoing basis, but others may have several people living there at different times throughout the year or even just for short periods. In these cases, it is important that everyone has their own key so that there aren’t any conflicts between them when they are sharing space together.

4. Upgrading to High-Security Locks

Upgrading to high-security locks is a good idea if you have a lot of valuable items in your home or business. High-security locks are more secure than regular ones, and if you have a lot of valuables, then it may be worth the extra expense to make sure that they’re protected from burglary. The most common type of high-security lock is one that uses biometric scanning technology to identify who you are when it opens. 

  • A 24 hour locksmith can help you during emergencies.

If you are locked out of your home, a 24 hour locksmith can come and open your door quickly. If there is an emergency, they will be able to respond fast so that they can get in and help. There are many reasons why you would need a locksmith at all hours of the day or night:

  • A car key broke off inside of the lock on your car door
  • The keys have been lost and there are no spare keys available
  • You forgot to lock up before going out (or maybe someone else did!)

24 Hour Lock Smith Adelaide


If you find yourself in the unfortunate situation of being locked out of your property, don’t hesitate to call a 24 Hour Lock Smith Adelaide. While you may not be in danger at that moment, it is imperative that you act quickly before this situation becomes a bigger problem. If you’re still unsure whether or not your lockout qualifies as an emergency, consider these questions to fix the problem before it gets worse.

SourceHow To know If You need a 24 Hour Locksmith To Unlock Your Property?

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review 2022-04-21 03:57
BIRDS OF PREY by Crissy Smith
Birds of Prey (Shifter Chronicles Book 1) - Crissy Smith

Aubrey works security for her Cast. Her uncle, head of the Cast, has been murdered. The Coalition has been called in to investigate. The head of the Bird shifters investigators is Cody, Aubrey's former lover. He tells to butt out, but she does not listen. She finds the perp but ends up in trouble. Will Cody be able to rescue her?

I liked this couple. They are strong separately and together. They butt heads a lot but learn to work together. The world building is good. It sets up the series well. The story is weak as there are more questions than answers. How did the murderer get as far as he did? Why was no alarm raised from where he came? How did he get away with it? Why? There were a few lines about his motive and opportunity, but they felt throwaway at best. I do look forward to reading more of the series.

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