Title: The Light of Day
Author: Kristen Kehoe
Publisher: K. K.
Series: A Beyond the Horizon Novel
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Rating: Four
"The Light of Day" by Kristen Kehoe
What I liked about this novel.....
This was definitely one of those novels that you will be pulled into the story laughing and even feeling their pain as Corey and Jake struggle with their past. I loved how this author was able to get into the heart with all of its emotional pull and give the reader some real interesting characters especially for Jake and Corey who find solace in each other when they both needed each other as one will try to remain sober and while the other who was fighting to get his pitching arm back. What will happen in the end for these two gives us their POV as they go on this emotional ride when it is so plain to see that they want or need to 'feel, love and belong?' With both of these characters needing to be saved...would they be able to save each other. I love this author writing style as it will pull the reader into a good read that will keep your attention all the way till its incredible end. Will these two individuals be able to overcome their fears and finally love each other? To find out the answer to these and many other interesting question you will have to pick up this good read to see for yourself who well this author delivers it all to the reader.
I received this copy from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.