This is a beautiful book, and it is one that will likely go on my list of best reads for 2014. For librarians, especially public librarians, and for fans of libraries, this is a book that will warm the heart.
Click the link above to read the full review. As always, comments are welcomed. By the way, I think it is very appropriate that I borrowed this book from my local public library.
My result from the "What Kind of Librarian Are You? "quiz. Now, I do happen to be a real librarian (degree and all). So, if you are a librarian, try it out, see what you get (is it close to the type of librarian you are?). If you are not a librarian, try it out, find out what your inner librarian may be.
There are some good practical things, including one or two items I jotted down to try out. There is also a good number of activities I have seen before, so experienced practitioners may not find much new here. Read my full review of this on my blog, The Itinerant Librarian. Just click the link to check it out.