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review 2017-04-12 20:34
Last Breath
Last Breath (The Morganville Vampires, #11) - Rachel Caine

I liked this quite a bit more than the last in the series, but I'm kind of feeling like my love for the series has fallen off and isn't going to come back.


I blame Shane.


Plot-wise I found this much more interesting than Bite Club. I've always really been here for the background information, honestly: I am pretty fond of Claire (was quite fond until recently), and I like Eve and Michael well enough, but the vampires and their background and the weird hints of who they were before they became vampires and why they live like they do and just what Morganville is have always been what kept me reading. I like the history of the place and the species, I like the magic-that-isn't-magic-it-is-science, kind-of, I like the attempts to explain the inexplicable. 


This ramps a few things up and also gives a really intriguing answer to "Why found a town of vampires in the desert?" that I was not expecting. Learning more about what makes Glass House tick was also interesting, though I did not get any solid answers for the questions it raised. I'm willing to allow the enormity of the looming disaster to count as a valid excuse for a couple of the sketchy decisions made by certain characters; they were clearly snap-judgment choices in a high-stress environment. 


We continue our foray into the minds of other characters, and while Eve's head was interesting, Amelie's was absolutely fascinating. I would like to see more of this done. (Maybe Oliver? I would love to see Oliver.)


Also, more time in Shane's head, but I feel like my review of Bite Club made it clear I am 150% done with him and his "manly," over-violent nonsense. I would feel worse about hoping he would die in every action scene if he weren't both homicidal and imaginary. 


Despite that, I will probably finish the series at this point--I'm invested enough to want to see how the monumental events of this book pan out for the characters and the town, and I want more vampire background story. 

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review 2017-03-30 05:11
Bite Club
Bite Club (The Morganville Vampires, #10) - Rachel Caine

This was easily my least favorite of the series so far.  


How did adding a POV somehow make me dislike a character more than I already did? How do you even do that? Generally putting me in anyone but a straight villain's head makes me empathize more with them, makes me realize why they do what they do and understand the perils of their existence. Or at least not want to bash them over the head repeatedly with a blunt object.


I never really "got" Shane, admittedly. You know how sometimes you have a friend who is dating someone, and you are completely bemused by why they are into this person? You're willing to trust your friend that there is a reason you just aren't seeing as long as they treat said friend "right," and you chalk it up to one of those inexplicable universal things?


Claire was the book version of that friend for me.


And this book was the last straw before I would stage an intervention.


Shane was an absolute horror throughout. I am supposed to forgive him because of spoilery reasons, I think, but I'm never going to look at him the same way I did before his actions here, and being in his head for some of it made it significantly worse. His anger issues have gotten way out of control, he treated Claire (and all of his friends!) like garbage, and he was forgiven as though what he had done throughout was minor. It was not.


Maybe the next book deals with the ramifications of his actions, but to be honest, despite it having been months since I read this, I haven't picked up the next book, because I'm still angry and I don't want to have to deal with him.


Myrnin remains fantastically quirky throughout and is probably the highlight of the series.

I know I will continue this at some point, because I like the supporting characters, I like the town and the weirdness of it, I like Claire, but I am really hoping that there is significantly less Shane after this point, because I am very done with him.

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text 2016-07-13 03:33
Reading progress update: I've read 33%.
Bite Club (The Morganville Vampires, #10) - Rachel Caine

Shane is bothering me. I've never been super excited about him (except that Claire is), but being in his head generally makes me like someone more, not less. What I'm getting is a whole lot of whingeing about comparatively stupid stuff, given the town they live in (the town he grew up in.)


Maybe I'm just cranky?

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review 2016-03-02 17:56
Midnight Bites: Stories of the Morganville Vampires (The Morganville Vampires) by Rachel Caine
Midnight Bites: Stories of the Morganville Vampires - Rachel Caine

I love the Morganville Vampires.  So when I saw this book, I had to read it.  This is a wonderful collection of short stories that take place at various times throughout the series.  The narratives are placed in timeline order.  Some I already read and some were new. 


I love that before each story Rachel Caine writes a little about what inspired the story.  It is nice to get that kind of insight.  I also appreciate that the stories are told from various character’s viewpoints.  If you love the Morganville Vampire Series, you’ll definitely want this book. 


Complimentary copy provided by NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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review 2016-02-06 21:27
Midnight Bites (The Morganville Vampires) by Rachel Caine
Midnight Bites: Stories of the Morganville Vampires - Rachel Caine

MIDNIGHT BITES, the new Morganville Vampires short story anthology! It will bring together almost everything that I've written in short form about Morganville ... though I did leave out some of the original "diary" entries that appeared on an earlier version of the Morganville website, simply because they were just scenes and not stories, and were generally really short snippets. This is all short fiction, and it's been carefully organized into the timeline, so you can read from the earliest adventures (some of which belong to vampires) all the way through some post-Daylighters goodies.

MIDNIGHT BITES includes a total of more than 50,000 words of brand new content, which makes me very happy indeed (and I hope will also make you happy, too). From stories featuring our favorite bunny-slipper-wearing mad scientist to a mystery solved by police chief Hannah Moses, I think you'll find this is a diverse group of stories that will shine a little more light in the murkiest corners of Morganville.





My Review:

I love these little ice cream sandwish stories. These novellas that you get are treats between novels that give you little visits into the MV world.

I love getting these kind of books together in one place with lots of authors but I really enjoyed getting to read this book because I only just recently got into the MV series on accident and wound up loving it so I wanted to explore more be a part of more and here I got it.

Its really great that you can find the little snippets here together in one place because it gives you reason to want to revisit this world all over again.








My Rating:







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Note: I received a digital copy in exchange for an honest review from Berkley Publishing

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