Disclaimer: ARC via Netgalley, courtesy of Open Road Media.
Gene Smith’s American Gothic is supposedly a biography of the Booth family. In some ways, it is this. Chronicling the founding of the family and the demise of its last major member. Most of the book, however, is taken up with the infamous John Wilkes Booth and the events surrounding the assassination of Lincoln.
Additionally, most of the book focuses on the men of the family, understandably so considering that the women marry into and out of the family. Yet, I found myself wishing to know about Asia in addition to the fact that her marriage was bad and that she was close John Wilkes Booth. He also repeats the same stories about the marriage of the Lincolns without really adding or examining anything. In fact, all women in the history get little attention, not surprising considering the event and the era, but some more about the women would have made the book stand out a bit more.
Those criticisms aside, the book is written and sourced well. Smith does offer quite a bit about the other Booth men, and the most touching part of the book has to do with the effect on the acting prospects of the rest of the family. The is a beautiful passage about the burning John Wilkes Booth’s costumes by Edwin.
Disclaimer: ARC via Netgalley.
If you have seen the older movie version of Annie, you have heard of Marie Duplessis, whose fictional mirror appears briefly when Annie attends a film.
Marie Duplessis inspired one of the most famous novels in literature -
La Dame aux Camélias. It is one of those stories - a mistress of gold, the undeserving lover.
In many ways this book is important because it puts more than a face to Marie Duplessis - though she doesn't really seem to move far from the idea of a romantic figure. She is still, somewhat, in shadow.
This isn't due to any fault of Weis. While some of the statements are too general, the research does seem to be solid (though I would have liked more footnotes/endnotes in some sections).
At times, I felt the language was a bit too romantic, but the book is a good study of the subject. Recommend for Dumas and Opera lovers.