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review 2017-03-16 01:29
Everything I Always Wanted
Everything I Always Wanted - Stephanie Nicole Norris

Title: Everything I Always Wanted: A Friends to Lovers Romance
Author: Stephanie Nicole Norris
Publisher: S. N.N.
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Rating: Five

"Everything I Always Wanted: A Friends to Lovers Romance" by Stephanie Nicole Norris

My Views....

A sweet romance story that features Shelby Donovan and Sebastian Cartwright who had been long time friends since childhood. Now that they were grown will this feeling grow a little deeper for them? It is a good romance read in how this author brings it all out so well to the readers. I will say that the heroine got on my nerves a little but I stayed in there and by the end I was won over in understanding her thought pattern. I even think this would make a sweet movie. Just seeing how these two will seek one or maybe two things about each other gave this story quite a intriguing plot. Not wanting to stop their friendship as to what will happen if each one starts to change their feelings about each other ... as they seemed to be seeing each other in a quite a different way now. Nor Shelby and Sebastian wanted to lose their friendship that they held so high for each other. No matter what each one thought maybe this would bring problems to their forever friendship they had for each other and / or even a career change in location....what were they going to do about this type of situation that was before them? Who will finally give in? And just who or what was 'Excalibur? ' To get the answers to these questions and so much more you will have to pick up this well written novel, "Everything I Always Wanted: A Friends to Lovers Romance" and see how well this author brings it all out to the reader giving us a ending to a good read. I enjoyed as I got toward the end of the story how one of these two [Shelby/ Sebastian] will finally confess their love and do something about it. Will Shelby accept the marriage proposal from Sebastian and will they finally get their HEA? Pick up this read to find out. Would I recommend this novel? YES!

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review 2015-08-07 22:42
But I Really Wanted to Be an Anthropologist by Margaux Motin
But I Really Wanted to Be an Anthropologist - Margaux Motin

Shallow, self-indulgent showing off. Look at my awesome Carrie Bradshaw life, designer shoes, cute daughter and long suffering husband. Envy me, bitches!


Continue reading 

Source: literaryames.wordpress.com/2015/08/07/anthropologist-margaux-motin
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url 2014-08-29 07:08
KISS IT BETTER - Review copies at Netgalley

Kiss it better graphic


It's so uncool to be desperate, but I desperately want some reviews of KISS IT BETTER before its October release. This quarter life crisis romance was emotionally joyful if not always easy to write, and I'd like to know if it resonates with people. It is a standalone novel.


All her life Cassie knew what she wanted ... till she failed.




Revisit gorgeous Jardin Bay with Jenny Schwartz’s fabulous new novel. The town may look like paradise, but for one nurse it represents only broken dreams.


All Cassie Freedom wants to do is save the world, and she could, if only she were able to. But her dream of nursing in Africa is shattered, and she returns home to Jardin Bay, where familiarity, security, and a sense of her own failure threaten to drown her.


Dr. Theo Morrigan knows a thing or two about responsibility, leaving his own medical practice to take over a family business. He knows his mind, his future, and how he wants to live his life – until an old secret resurfaces and rocks his whole world.


Suddenly, the man who needed no one needs a broken-hearted nurse, and a nurse who thinks she’s too weak will find her own strength.



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url 2014-08-15 17:32
Schräge Gestalten, schöne Momente
The Bus Driver Who Wanted To Be God & Other Stories by Keret, Etgar unknown edition [Paperback(2004)] - Etgar Keret

Tolle Kurzgeschichtensammlung voll schreiender Komik, tiefer Traurigkeit und viel Gedankennahrung. 

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review 2014-04-28 15:06
witzig, gefühlvoll und leicht zu lesen
Wanted. Ja. Nein. Vielleicht. - Lena Hach

„Wanted. Ja. Nein. Vielleicht.“ von Lena Hach ist ein witziger Jugendroman.

Finn leidet schwer an Liebeskummer. Er war lange mit Sophie zusammen bis sie mit ihm Schluss gemacht hatte. Moritz, sein bester Freund, hat ein Programm aufgestellt ihm zu helfen. Es handelt sich um Psychotests und andere Aktivitäten um Finn aus dem Gefühlssumpf raus zu holen. Dabei fällt ihnen ein Mädchen, Lara, auf, die Abrisszettel verteilt.

Finn ist voll fertig und kommt mit der Trennung nicht gut zurecht. Er findet es zwar erst etwas nervig, dass Moritz ihm helfen möchte, aber es tut ihm gut. Sophie ist ihm noch so wichtig, dass er weiter springt, wenn sie etwas möchte ohne nachzudenken. Doch mit der Zeit bekommt er raus was er wirklich möchte.

Lara ist etwas seltsam. Sie verteilt Abrisszettel in der Stadt. Nicht etwa mit Anzeigen und zum Abreisen eine Telefonnummer. Nein. Es sind kleine Bilder oder lustige Texte. Abreisen kann man dann etwas, was einen später daran erinnert. Auch hat sie für viele Dinge eine Top-3-Liste.

Die Geschichte ist mit Witz und Gefühl geschrieben, so dass man leicht eintauchen kann. Die kurzen Kapitel berichten immer über die gerade wichtigen Momente und schweifen nicht zu sehr ab. Dies ist sehr angenehm beim Lesen. Auch wird es immer wieder spannend durch plötzliche Wendungen und Aktionen der Charaktere.

Das Ende ist zwar etwas merkwürdig, aber passt trotzdem gut zur Geschichte.


Dieses Jugendbuch ist echt gelungen. Es ist witzig, gefühlvoll und leicht zu lesen. Vor allem ist es auch durch die kurzen Kapitel und dem geringen Umfang auch etwas für wenig Leser. Ich hatte beim Lesen viel Spaß und gebe deswegen 4 ½ von Wölfen.

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