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text 2015-11-04 16:43
Peaches Monroe: Complete Series By Mimi Strong 99 cents
Peaches Monroe: The Complete 3-Book Trilogy - Mimi Strong

Peaches Monroe is a curvy, opinionated blonde who manages a small town book store. 

Dalton Deangelo is a famous actor who sets hearts on fire with his smoldering eyes and devious grins. 

Dalton plays the sexiest bad boy vampire on TV. He's hotter than Edward from Twilight, and badder than Damon from The Vampire Diaries. 

When Dalton runs into the book store to hide from reporters, he refuses to leave... until he gets a date with Peaches Monroe. 

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review 2013-09-22 06:52
Stardust by Mimi Strong
Stardust - Mimi Strong

You know you’ve read a good book when you remember it days later and just thinking about it puts a smile on your face. There are so many things to love about Mimi Strong’s Stardust, because instead of just creating a wonderful romance, she’s created:


  • A town I’m upset is fictional because I want to visit it. Seriously, there are so many interesting places in this town, from Peaches’ bookshop to the DeNirro’s Italian restaurant. I want to get my Beaverville passport and just start walking around, visiting places!


  • Beautiful, realistic friendships. Sometimes friendships in NA books can feel a little too…how do I put this?…well, I guess I’ll be boring and just say ‘unrealistic.’ The friends in these books often do nothing but prop up the heroine. They don’t seem like real people, but are instead just there so that the heroine can hear that no, that hot dress really doesn’t make her look fat and yes, it’s alright to let yourself go once in a while and kiss that really hot guy. These girls can love and care about each other, but that doesn’t mean their relationship is always smooth sailing. They can act bitchy, jealous or resentful. Not in an overly dramatic way, but in a way that shows you that these people are separate from the heroine and can sometimes make mistakes while trying to do the right thing. It was really refreshing, and made me believe in their friendships even more.


  • A cast of really hot guys, and every single one of them has major flaws. I’m not going to say anything more about that because…major spoilers! However, I will say that there are so many cute guys in this town that I ended up being drawn to one that I (unfortunately) don’t even think is in the running—the cute, red-headed delivery boy who delivers books to Peaches’ store!


  • An amazing heroine. I didn’t really get the #teampeaches thing before reading this book, but I do now, because more than hoping Peaches ended up with any specific guy, I finished the book wanting Peaches to be empowered and happy. Just think about that for a second: can you think of a single other NA book with a cast of beefcakes were you weren’t rooting for any of them, but for the awesome heroine?

Alright, if those four weren’t enough for you, you should read this book because it’s super funny. It’s one of those books where your friends and family will look over at you and ask what’s wrong because you’ll be laughing so hard. I love books like that!

The cliffhanger in this book is heartbreaking. It’s not shocking because it’s completely unexpected, but instead shocking because every single event in the story and romance has led up to it. You don’t see it coming because you just don’t want to believe it can happen. It is Peaches’ worst nightmare, and when her heart breaks yours does too.

So what’s my rating? 5 OUT OF 5 PEACHES! And it’s super cheap. You can’t go wrong :)

Source: tessharperbooks.tumblr.com/post/61462074970/stardust-by-mimi-strong-book-review-you-know
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review 2013-09-14 01:33
Starlight (Peaches Monroe #2)
Starlight - Mimi Strong

I was given this book for an honest review.

 I am so in love with this series that it should be illegal. I am strongly considering moving to a state where they allow same sex marriages so I can have Peaches in my life fooorever lol. The stuff she comes up with and the stuff that comes out of her mouth, had me spitting coke onto my Kindle! I am sure as you can tell by my other review I am Team Peaches all the way, and I will gladly remind you that I love her to pieces. I am sad to say that I am disappointed with Dalton, I just can''t seem to figure him out. I was kind of glad he outright admitted to what he did but I was sad he just kind of let it go so easily. With him being such an exuberant character in the first book, it almost seemed like he lost some of that in this book. I hate to say it but I am Team Dalton all the way. Although I do believe he should be drug out into the middle of town and stoned in the balls a couple of times. Is't that like Commandment 11: Though shall not dick over an awesome woman, if so than punishment shall be 2 stones to the balls? If not, do you think we can start it? Ehhh Keith, well I just , just don't feel him. I mean when he was hot, he was hot but other than the sex and a couple of goofy cute things, he got on my nerves. I just wanted to buy the man a Big Mac with extra sauce. And at times it almost seemed like he did pick on Peaches about her weight, but he did it to where it didn't really seem like it, odd. 

 Lord I didn't mean for that paragraph to be like that, oops. Anyways, now this will probably get me stoned to death in the middle of the town buttttttt to me this book did not measure up to the first. It was close but it just didn't make it for me. It wasn't even as funny as the first, now don't get me wrong, I laughed but not as much. And I have to ask, was there any hint to the big bombshell that Peaches dropped hinted to in the first book? I honestly can't remember. But if there wasn't then ehh I think that it was really dropped like an awkward bomb. Still even if it was hinted to, it was just an odd way to throw it out there. I mean BAM, guess what I have at home. And the relationships also seemed kind of awkward at times. And yes I am a little pissy that things with Dalton just kind of ended, lol. I wanted more boom, more shock and awe. Maybe there will be some in the next. But seriously Mimi, did you have to go and end it like that? I mean come on, hot buttered noodles and all! My poor heart can''t take stuff like that. Do you want me to buy you a Big Mac? Cuz I will and I will even throw in some fries if you tell me a little bit about the next book. 

My song for this book: Gives You Hell by All American Rejects

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review 2013-09-06 00:00
Starlight (Peaches Monroe) (Volume 2)
Starlight - Mimi Strong I got through this book last night but have been pondering over a rating for it. I'm not normally a fan of some of the things going on in this book or with parts of Peaches character, but there is just something so in your face about Peaches, that it makes you step back and reevaluate how you approach her. I think at least a small part of us wishes we could be as daring, brash, out there and 'exposed' as Peaches Monroe.

I do feel like Dalton was a bit over-vilified in a manner that seemed inconsistent with his character in book 1, almost as a necessity to make Peaches choices and actions simply easier for some to swallow. Keith, on the other hand, was a dream guy (aside from the eating habits.. and other ... oddities).

The issues with Kyle - I can understand how some people could have serious problems with this aspect of Peaches' character, but I think it explains a great deal about her and her approach to things. I think there is still a lot there to be explored and have a feeling that Peaches is going to have to deal with it in book 3.

One thing Mimi does well is write characters that aren't begging you to like them. They have flaws, some more apparent than others. Peaches isn't perfect, but she wouldn't be Peaches Monroe if she was.
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review 2013-08-28 00:00
Starlight (Peaches Monroe, #2) - Mimi St... Starlight (Peaches Monroe, #2) - Mimi Strong I received a copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review.

This book was just as good as the first in the series. I love Peaches. She is a sassy, outgoing woman. In this book, the reader follows Peaches adventures during her time in California for her photo shoot. After Peaches relationship with Dalton ends, she engages in a rebound fling with her co-model Keith. Peaches adventures had me laughing out loud. If you enjoyed Stardust, you will love Starlight.
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