"To the office, where all the morning sitting and did discover three or four fresh instances of Sir W. Pen’s old cheating dissembling tricks, he being as false a fellow as ever was born."
— Samuel Pepys (@samuelpepys) March 8, 2019
This (originally from Pepys's diary of March 8, 1666) was the first tweet showing up in my timeline yesterday morning -- very fitting in light of what I started having to work on / against, just yesterday, and what will keep me occupied for the next couple of weeks.
I hope I'll be able to stick around for the upcoming group and buddy reads, but I may not contribute a whole lot otherwise. Here's hoping it won't be too bad, but going by prior experience, I'll likely be in the mood to wring a few people's necks in a couple of weeks. Oh well -- I guess I'm just going to have to keep telling myself this too shall pass!