One wet, rainy day while mother is out, a boy and a girl sit dejectedly in their chairs, watching the rain beat against the window. They're bored. Suddenly, in bursts a large cat in a tall striped hat, ready to play — and not just ordinary games, oh no! This cat likes to create mischief and mayhem, and to aid him, he brings Thing One and Thing Two. These two small fuzzy blue imps race around the house, wreaking havoc. Who's going to clean up this mess? This classic Dr.Seuss book is a wonderful read for kids of all ages, but I would use it in my classroom for grades K-2nd. This book would be great to read for Dr.Seuss week as it has so many great activities that you could do as a class to go along with it. This classic book was also made into a movie which would be good for children to watch after reading the book in order to compare and contrast. It could also be used in small reading groups to help students with Phonemic Awareness.