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text 2015-11-04 16:02
Day Three -- Three Day Quote Challenge

Thanks to Murder By Death for the invitation to play.  it's been great fun, and I've enjoyed all the quotes by everyone else who've been participating.

1. Thank the blogger who nominated you. (see above)

2. Publish a quote on 3 consecutive days on your blog. The quote can be one of your own, from a book, movie or from anyone who inspires.

3. Nominate 3 more bloggers each day to carry on this endeavour.




"That's the thing with handmade items. They still have the person's mark on them, and when you hold them, you feel less alone. This is why everyone who eats a Whopper leaves a little more depressed than they were when they came in. Nobody cooked that burger.”
― Aimee Bender







Like others are doing, I'm just going to say, Jump In, if you feel like participating. It's fun. 



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text 2015-11-03 14:02
Three Day Quote Challenge - Day 3

Thanks for the nomination, Lillelara!


Today's quote is by Bill Watterson, about an attitude that I can really relate to:



And also on the last day: Since I have already lost track of who has been nominated so far and who hasn't, I hereby nominate everybody who wants to participate.



1.  Thank the blogger who nominated you.


2.  Publish a quote on 3 consecutive days on your blog. The quote can be one of your own, from a book, movie or from anyone who inspires.


3.  Nominate 3 more bloggers each day to carry on this endeavour.

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text 2015-11-03 01:55
Three Day Quote Challenge - Day One

Thanks to RedTHaws Reads Randomly for the invitation to play.


1. Thank the blogger who nominated you. (see above)

2. Publish a quote on 3 consecutive days on your blog. The quote can be one of your own, from a book, movie or from anyone who inspires.

3. Nominate 3 more bloggers each day to carry on this endeavour.


I chose this quote because even though it is depressing I could really connect to it.


This is grief's great trick: you think you have faced the worst of it, not dreaming of all that is yet to come.


Juliet's Nurse by Lois Leveen


The three people I nominate today are:




Closet Geeks and Slo Mo


Bruin's Gal

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text 2015-11-03 00:41
Day Two -- Three Day Quote Challenge

Thanks to Murder By Death for the invitation to play.


1. Thank the blogger who nominated you. (see above)

2. Publish a quote on 3 consecutive days on your blog. The quote can be one of your own, from a book, movie or from anyone who inspires.

3. Nominate 3 more bloggers each day to carry on this endeavour.


This may be bleak, but I'm sharing it anyway. because it's beautiful.  And every time I see it, it makes me think:  What can I do right now to help someone, somewhere in some small way?


"i held an atlas in my lap
ran my fingers across the whole world
and whispered
where does it hurt?
it answered
― Warsan Shire

"About the Author
Warsan Shire is a Kenyan-born Somali poet and writer who is based in London. Born in 1988, she is an artist and activist who uses her work to document narratives of journey and trauma. Warsan has read her work internationally, including recent readings in South Africa, Italy and Germany, and her poetry has been translated into Italian, Spanish and Portuguese." (Amazon)


like others are doing, I'm just going to say, Jump In, if you feel like participating. It's fun. But also, because it's nice to be invited . . . 




Chaotic Readings



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text 2015-11-02 14:51
Three Day Quote Challenge - Day 2

Thanks for the nomination, Lillelara!


For day two, here's a very useful quote by Dorothy Parker. Useful as it has helped me to settle quite a number of disputes, because when people hear it, they usually pause to think about it and then laugh. Try it, it really works!



And again: Since I have already lost track of who has been nominated so far and who hasn't, I hereby nominate everybody who wants to participate.



1.  Thank the blogger who nominated you.


2.  Publish a quote on 3 consecutive days on your blog. The quote can be one of your own, from a book, movie or from anyone who inspires.


3.  Nominate 3 more bloggers each day to carry on this endeavour.

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