Only the one dead tree book on the go at the moment -
On the phone I have
I have
Only the one dead tree book on the go at the moment -
On the phone I have
I have
Read the first section of this while staying with a friend last week. (That's normal, right? Visit a friend you've not seen for a while and go through their bookshelf to see if there is anything you fancy?) So while she did a spot of work in her veggie garden on Sunday afternoon, I sat out in the sunshine "keeping her company" and started reading this, which I'd just helped myself to from her shelves.
I refrained from slipping it into my hand luggage (possibly a guilt-related decision, due to the fact that last time I borrowed a book from her I failed to return it for several years), so Yay public library. So far I'm finding Mark's writing style perfectly satisfactory.
So, I'm on holiday for the next 4 weeks. Woohoo!!! I've a stack of reading lined up...
Have had this going in the car for the best part of a week. BC can't write this series fast enough for me.
Hmm, started this a few days ago. Can't say I'm in love with Adrian's POV, so not racing through this as fast as I might otherwise have.
Sigh. This had slipped my attention earlier in the year, but it fit the bill for something to read at the hairdresser earlier this week. Keeping it to read on my phone for now, for those times you have to wait somewhere and I feel a bit stupid playing pocket frogs in public. I'm sure I'll weaken and knock off the rest of this before too long.
Sigh, being back at work has really slowed the reading back down. Never mind. For some reason
And I finally got around to buying
Next up... no idea what's next up!
So, 2nd week of the holidays, & I've been doing a few other things rather than just reading. I've been pretty good at starting books this week though. After finishing my previous audiobook, I have now started The Road to Wigan Pier, which has been pretty interesting. It got a bit confusing when I stuck the wrong CD into the player while driving home this evening, and I listened to 20 minutes of it before I realised what I'd done. Duh. I thought it had been a rather abrupt change of topic! Still, lacking much in the way of a plot it's not actually made much difference to the listening experience. Jeremy Northam is doing excellent work as the reader.
I started reading Flow Down Like Silver, then realised that the other novel I have out of the library has a long waiting list and therefore it would be more sensible to read it first... so FDLS is now on the back burner while I knock off The Keeper of Secrets. I'm about half way through, and the story has sucked me in to the extent that I'm no longer feeling as irritated by some aspects of the writing as I was in the early chapters. The story is about a violin that is looted from it's German-Jewish owner during the war, and its journey back to the family 70 years later.
I started reading Burning Up for the first "Iron Seas" novella, which was OK, but nowhere near as good as The Iron Duke. I'm interested in the Angela Knight too, as I've not read anything of hers that wasn't Mageverse, so that could be interesting. Not going to bother with the Nalini Singh; she's too dark for my taste.
And then there's the cookbook, which I'm continuing to try out, though I've already decided I won't be buying a copy.