It was okay. I was expecting a little more than just okay, I have to admit, as it was recced to me by a couple of long-time friends, but it just goes to prove that you never know for sure. :)
Anyway, it's a shifter book and I'm not huge on shifters - except for my avian shifters by Kim Dare. This is a wolf shifter tale - as if you couldn't tell. *LOL* Anyway, there wasn't a whole lot of shifting done but there sure was a lot of sniffing!
One main character, Cooper, is human and the other, Oliver is the wolf shifter. Cooper is also a BSI agent, Bureau of Special Investigations, a sort of secret branch of the FBI. Oliver is an agent of The Trust, a werewolf governing organization, who is suddenly partnered with Cooper. I liked the world-building. It was interesting and I wish we'd had more of it.
There are missing people, dead and mauled bodies, suspicious folk all in this small town in Maine - I think it's Maine - that reminded me a heckuva lot of the town I see on North Woods Law. There is a alot of investigating that goes on and the case/mystery is engrossing enough, especially for a romance novel. Cooper and Oliver are thrown into close contact over and over again, of course. What we see of Oliver that tells us he's a wolf shifter is that he uses his sense of smell a LOT, his eyes glow golden upon occasion, and he's graceful. Cooper, to me anyway, comes across as a bit of a newbie whose smarts are hidden beneath a layer of dumb. The story is told from Cooper's POV and we spend a lot of time in his head as he asks himself the same questions about the mystery, the relationship, his past, over and over and over again. Oliver, of course, is hiding something, but what? I don't know if we ever really find out the extent of his secrets. It's a series featuring the same couple, so I expect the author is holding stuff in reserve for future books.
I found myself alternately liking both main characters and being impatient with them - Cooper especially, I guess because it's his POV. The relationship works for the most part. Will I continue reading the series? Probably, but it's not an urgent need. I think my friends told me it gets better in Book 2, so it's on my radar.