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photo 2020-04-15 23:56
Current Reads

I'm attempting to read these four books by Friday evening. Some of these books I've put off for far too long. I'm giving myself lofty goals because my brain has been cooperating lately.

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photo 2020-04-10 20:11
My Friday/Weekend Reads

My reading has been really good as of late. I've been trying to read a book a day. I've read 3 books so far this month and that's really good for me. I'm hoping reading these short romance books will not tire my brain and I can keep going. 



1) Red Carpet Redemption by Yahrah St. John


2) Seduced by a Steele by Brenda Jackson


3) Property of the State by Kiki Swinson




Happy Reading Everyone!

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text 2017-11-08 13:00
CAN'T MISS CHRISTMAS by Miranda Liasson

When a children’s book author’s only chance to get home for Christmas lies in a road trip with her sexy ex-husband anything can happen, naughty or nice. Unwrap this Christmas novella from Amazon best-selling author Miranda Liasson, CAN’T MISS CHRISTMAS…
Finding love again is the best Christmas present of all.
It’s two days before Christmas and bestselling children’s author Grace Alberts needs to fulfill a promise—to make it to a book signing for the kids at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, the place that did so much for her during a very rough time. But the weather’s getting awful and all flights are cancelled out of Boston, where she’s wrapping up her book tour. Then in walks her annoying but extremely sexy ex-husband, who (as usual) thinks he’s got all the answers.
Graham Walker just stopped by to get a book signed for Grace’s biggest fan, his niece, and wish Grace a Merry Christmas—why not? But he soon finds himself troubleshooting her dilemma. He’s got a Range Rover that can plow through a hundred-year Nor’easter. He’s even headed home to Philly. Trouble is, Grace's and his past is a disaster, something he has no intention of reliving while driving through a winter storm, no matter how much he once loved her. And maybe still does.
Bad weather has a way of bringing out the best and the worst in people, and when a run in with some deer antlers leads them to a forced stop in Mirror Lake, Connecticut, anything can happen, naughty or nice. Maybe a bit of enforced alone time and some Christmas magic can be just what it takes for them to face their past—and each other—once and for all.
On Sale in Digital: November 7, 2017
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Grand Prize: 1 Winner Will Receive a Kindle Fire
 Runner-Up: 3 Runner-Up Will Receive any Backlist Miranda Liasson Title (Digital Version Only)

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Somehow, Grace managed to pass Graham and get in the bathroom, where she used the time to try to calm the hell down. If she didn’t come up with an excuse to leave this room, something combustible was going to happen between them. She had to get out while she still had all her wits about her.
When she’d finally got her breathing under control, she left the bathroom, walked toward her suitcase, and stubbed her toe on the bed.
She let out a curse and hopped around a little, imagining what she must look like with her bedhead hair, red plaid flannel, and Christmas socks. Very sexy. Unlike the delicious, muscular god walking toward her.
She tried to use the pain to distract herself from how her mouth had suddenly gone dry and her knees felt as wobbly as a one-year-old’s, but it wasn’t really working. Worse, Graham stepped a little closer.
She splayed out her arms, warning him back. All that lean muscle, all that raw, masculine heat—it could not come near her. She would throw herself at him, smooth her hands over all that hard, bountiful muscle, and beg for things. Her body could not be trusted. “I’m fine. Really. Just stubbed my toe.”
“Want me to take a look?”
His gaze was torching her, like paper in a fire that turns immediately to ash and blows away.
The fact that he was now inches away with his lips quirked into the slightest smile told her he didn’t heed her warning, or give a damn about it. And oh, she did not want him to. He was so close now, she could smell the soap from his shower, see the little beads of water on his shoulders. His fingers gripped her elbow, and she swore it tingled from his touch. Other parts of her were sort of on fire too. So not good. “Let’s see it,” he said, the smile morphing into a wicked grin.
“Graham, I’m fine.” She tried to shrug away. He dropped his hand, but still she felt pinned in place, unable to move or even breathe. Electricity buzzed and snapped between them. She didn’t want him to see how much he affected her, yet she was helpless with him so near.
His gaze homed in on her lips. He was going to…yes, he was. Kiss her. Her heartbeat thrummed in her throat, and every muscle froze in anticipation.
She wanted it. Wanted him. So, so badly.
Graham lowered his mouth. The dip of his head was so familiar, yet it made every nerve stand on end. At last, their lips met. His were soft and pliant, and they brushed against hers, carefully and slowly. Her hand was trembling as she wrapped it around his neck and pulled him toward her until their bodies were flush, fitting together like they were always meant to.
That simple move blew careful and slow right out of the water. His mouth crushed hers, devouring her with deep, sensual kisses. His tongue slid inside her mouth, and she met it with equal vigor, desire roaring and crashing between them, unleashed like a storm surge, uncontrollable and insatiable.
Suddenly, Graham pulled back, out of breath. He cradled her face in his hands and looked at her tenderly. “I missed you,” he said. “I missed this.”
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Author Bio:
Miranda Liasson loves to write stories about everyday people who find love despite themselves, because there’s nothing like a great love story. And if there are a few laughs along the way, even better! She’s a Romance Writers of America Golden Heart winner and an Amazon bestselling author whose heartwarming and humorous small–town romances have won accolades such as the Gayle Wilson Award of Excellence and have been Harlequin Junkie and Night Owl Reviews Top Picks.



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review 2017-05-07 00:00
Walker Island Romance Box Set Books 1-3
Walker Island Romance Box Set Books 1-3 - Lucy Kevin,Bella Andre I couldn't decide. Should I catch my breath or lose my heart to the exceptional women and fantasy men of Walker Island. Ms. Kevin brings lovable characters, soap worthy drama and fairytale dreams to a heartwarming series. An age old feud breathes new life and love into two unforgettable families. Home, hope and family play second fiddle to love while weaving a spell that never let's go.

In Be My Love - Hanna rewrites history and her heart's desire. Her quest for the truth, could cost her the love of a lifetime.

No Other Love - Megan left home to pursue her dreams. When a short visit home turns into a second chance of a lifetime, will she grab hold or run away?

When It's Love - Rachel Walker had dreams. When an unplanned pregnancy and a deadbeat boyfriend changed the course of her life, she had to grow up fast and let go of childish fantasies. Six years later can a favor, reawaken her girlhood dreams and give her a chance at the hopes she thought she'd lost?
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review SPOILER ALERT! 2016-10-17 19:41
Tuesday (Timeless Series) (Volume 2) by E.L Todd

Tuesday (Timeless Series) (Volume 2) by: E.L. Todd


After reading their last book I wanted to find out what would happened to Hawke and Francesca and if they would ever get back together and now after reading this book I feel like I've being on a rollercoaster there were so many ups and downs lol. I liked how Francesca did try and move on despite only having feelings for Hawke and basically telling Kyle the man who she's casually seeing that Hawke would always be her soul mate no matter what and that did leave a bad taste in my mouth because in a way I was rooting for them to get together properly and for her to forget about Hawke but she basically pined for him throughout the book depsite her putting a tough face whenever she was in his presence or when she bumped into one of his lady friends coming out of his apartment, I didn't like how she used Kyle and how only she went to meet his family when she found out that Hawke had been sleeping about. As for Hawke I wasn't really keen on him as it seemed to me that he finished her quickly but I understood why due to his past and his family background but I didn't like reading about him sleeping around whilst not having a care in the world about how she was feeling and then getting all jealous when he found out she had a boyfriend, I didn't get that he spent all the whole time saying that he was bad for her when in the second half of the book he was always around her and Francesca was quick to jump into bed with him. I enjoyed the ending with Axel and Marie I was happy to see that their story is wrapped up but for Hawke and Francesca this more of a HFN.

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