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url 2018-01-15 21:36
Forty new books in series releasing tomorrow
Binti: The Night Masquerade - Nnedi Okorafor
Iron Gold - Pierce Brown
Grilled Cheese and Dragons #1 (Princess Pulverizer) - Nancy E. Krulik,William F. Balistreri
Out of the Darkness - Heather Graham
Warrior of the Void - M.R. Mathias
January in Atlantis - Alyssa Day
Waiting for Spring 4 - Anashin
Almost Paradise (Book 4) - Christie Ridgway
An Engagement for Two - Marie Ferrarella

See Fictfact.com's book release calendar for full list and series info.

Source: www.fictfact.com/BookReleaseCalendar
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review 2015-05-04 07:00
A Women Rights Activist and Her Painter Grandson: The Way to Paradise by Mario Vargas Llosa
El Paraíso en la otra esquina - Mario Vargas Llosa
The Way to Paradise - Mario Vargas Llosa,Natasha Wimmer

In his biographical novel The Way to Paradise the Peruvian writer and Nobel Prize laureate Mario Vargas Llosa displays the lives of the French trade unionist and early women’s rights activist Flora Tristán (7 April 1803 – 14 November 1844) and of her famous grand-son, the post-impressionist painter Paul Gauguin (7 June 1848 – 8 May 1903). The author highlights the common traits of their character as well as their search for the ideal and free life.


When I first read the historical novel a few years ago, I was quite impressed by the double biography of those two outstanding and strong characters. Overall The Way to Paradise gives an interesting insight into the character of those two historical figures who themselves never arrived in paradise, but inspired others to follow their way and continue their strivings for an ideal life and society. I’m not in the position to judge the historical accuracy of the novel, to me it seems close enough to the facts, though, and it introduced me to Flora Tristán who I had never heard of before. The narrative is written in a style that can capture readers like me and that shows that the author was an experienced one who knew what he did when he made frequent use of flashbacks and streams of consciousness to tell the two stories.


At any rate, I enjoyed reading the book very much although critics say that in this novel Mario Vargas Llosa didn’t show his usual genius. I can’t judge it since The Way to Paradise is the only work of Mario Vargas Llosa that I know so far. Besides, there’s no accounting for tastes, is there?

A long review of the book is available on my blog at: http://edith-lagraziana.blogspot.co.at/2013/03/the-way-to-paradise-by-mario-vargas.html

Source: edith-lagraziana.blogspot.com
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url 2015-01-12 11:58
18 Of the World's Greatest Libraries

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review 2014-12-04 02:25
For Better and Worse
For Better and Worse (Trouble In Paradise Book 3) - Stephanie Nicole Norris

Title: For Better and Worse
Author: Stephanie Nicole Norris
Publisher: Love Is A Drug
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Rating: 5

"For Better and Worse" by Stephanie Nicole Norris

"Coming out of hibernation, Danielle Shumaker has put behind her the pain and misery she’s caused Victoria and Joshua. Blinded by her selfishness her ultimate goal is still her main one. As far as Danielle’s concerned Joshua belongs to her, always has and always will. No amount of therapy can cure her love addiction and no matter what anyone says she will fight for him, even if she has to kill someone AGAIN.

Wedding bells are in Victoria and Joshua’s future, Victoria is excited to be Mrs. Eubanks. However, when she closes her eyes at night, Greg invades her dreams, the passion and love leaves her wanting more and waking with doubt about her upcoming marriage. How will she get over this man or does she even want to?"

What I liked about this novel....

All I can say is this was another one of this author's well written novels that I enjoyed reading from cover to cover. "For Better and Worse" will definitely keep your attention from start to finish with all of its drama. Be prepared to start with a dream and a ending that you will find yourself asking yourself if you are in a nightmare at the hand of....well you will have to pick up this intriguing read to see for yourself! I found most of the characters simply off the chart being well developed, well portrayed, engaging, and so well depicted that gives the reader a rather interesting story. Now, I will say this isn't a happy story so be ready for all the drama that will keep you on the edge of your seat and even leave you wanting to know what will happen in the next novel from that ending. Well done to the author for another good read. I will add to truly understand what all has happened earlier in this novel the reader needs to read the other two novels...'Trouble In Paradise and Vengeful Intentions' by this author first before reading 'For Better and Worse." With that being said I would definitely recommend "For Better and Worse" as a good read. 

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review 2014-08-06 04:01
Review [Spanish]: This Side of Paradise
This Side of Paradise - F. Scott Fitzgerald

Publicado originalmente: El Extraño Gato del Cuento


This Side of Paradise se me hizo un libro interesante el cual me falló bastante con el final. Si bien la sinopsis ya nos dice que este libro a largo de los años se ha tomado como una especie de biografía del escritor, yo no lo quise tomar así ¿Por qué? Porque después de terminar el libro lo siento más como una excusa que como la meta del libro, por decirlo de algún modo.


No es un libro malo, tiene una gran y exquisita paleta de personaje femeninos. En inicios de año muchas escritoras estuvieron apoyando la campaña "Personajes femeninos diferentes" y para mí, This Side of Paradise es un buen ejemplo de lo que se pide. Tanto como Beatrice, Rosalind, Isabelle y Eleanor, que tienen un ligero parecido solo que cada una tiene algo llamativo que no tiene ningún otro personaje que haya leído antes, al menos en literatura Young Adult, y la verdad es que me gustaría leer más de estas personalidades.


Pero me falló en que no tengo una sensación de conclusión, no soy de las que se molestan con finales abiertos, varios de mis libros favoritos son así, es sólo con A Este Lado del Paraíso siento que me cortaron a mitad de algo, como si fuera el inicio de una serie de libros. No sé si es solo algo que me pasó a mí pero no estoy feliz con el final, Amory se me hizo muy hipócrita al final. Durante todo el libro me gustó como personaje, incluso logré identificarme con él varias veces, sobre todo con su cinismo y como el escritor nos lo describía. "Siempre se trataba de lo que llegaría a ser, nunca de lo que era" Sobre todo esa frase se me quedó grabada durante días. Las personas que nos pasamos más tiempo en la intimidad de nuestras mentes lo entendemos bastante bien.


El personaje que me desagradó en este libro fue Monseñor Darcy, se me hizo tan presuntuoso y uno de los que alentaba a Amory ser cómo era. Creo que también es un poco de envidia por mi parte, ya me gustaría tener a alguien quién crea que todas mis tonterías las hago porque soy un ser especial.


Tengo un montón de citas guardadas y ahora que estuve haciendo un poco de investigación para la reseña, aumenté alguna más, sin duda para futura relectura. Mi problema fue el final tan político y fuera de sentido pero por todo lo demás me gustó.


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Source: el-extrano-gato-del-cuento.blogspot.com
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