I'm giving up on this one. Sadly, it shall have to be relegated to the DNF shelf.
It's just so slow. I feel like I've been reading for hours (and I probably have) and I've only just reached the 35% mark. This book is long. That wouldn't be so bad if anything was happening, but it's not. Worse yet, there's a horrible love triangle (quadrangle maybe?) that's making everything full of petty fight scenes and awful stereotypes.
So, I'm over it. Time to move on to the next read.
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"Please join me in welcoming Sasha Dawn, the author of Oblivion, published by EgmontUSA on May 27, 2014, to Christina Reads YA. I was asked to host Sasha on her second/continuing blog tour, and I asked Sasha to post about either what it was like to write YA versus teach college composition, or "why graphomania" for her novel (see summary below)..."