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review 2018-12-11 13:38
Si Amapola Sa 65 Na Kabanata (Amapola in 65 Chapters) by Ricky Lee
Si Amapola sa 65 na Kabanata - Ricky Lee

A gay impersonator named Amapola became a manananggal with a predestined mission of saving the Philippines from destruction — a manananggal superhero. A manananggal is a human that cuts itself in half by the waist and becomes a flying vampire.

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review 2018-01-13 11:00
Promoting Modern Art in Tehran: Softcore by Tirdad Zolghadr
Softcore - Tirdad Zolghadr,Tirdad Zolghadr

A young man of Iranian descent moves to the country of his ancestors to open a place for modern art in the centre of Tehran, but he is one of those who don't take life too seriously. There are only eight weeks until the planned great opening and he drifts through his days mixing with the guests of his ancient grand-aunt Zsa Zsa or partying with his artist friends. Before long his carefree behaviour gets him into trouble with the Iranian police as well as with his friends abroad supporting the art project...


Please follow the link here to read the long review on my main book blog Edith's Miscellany to know more about this novel!

Source: edith-lagraziana.blogspot.com
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url 2017-12-04 20:22
Giveaway for my new book, The Fatness
The Fatness - Mark A. Rayner

There's three copies up for grabs -- enter to win a paperback version of The Fatness, a satire about concentration camps for fat people and bureaucracy gone mad. (A love story.)



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review 2017-05-19 03:28
Binkders Keepers
Blinders Keepers - John Rachel

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Title: Blinders Keepers
Author: John Rachel
Publisher: Literary Vagabond Book
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Rating: Five

"Blinders Keepers" by John Rachel

My Thoughts...

Wow, this author never disappoints...he knows how to keep your attention as he did with this satire read. There was a good opening, plot, with hilarious humor[laugh out loud], metaphors, insanity, adventure,surprises, political atmosphere of the white house...as we are given this satire of this 'young man [Noah]with one idealistic mindset of it will all come out in the wash.' What a journey this was for this young man who will leave his hometown in Missouri and end up getting mixed up accidentally that propelled him into being a fugitive. My thoughts about what was going on with Noah was that the 'root of all of his travails was just one study misunderstanding!' We find Noah is being sort after by every intelligence agency in the country.

The secondary characters are for the most part down right entertaining that will definitely keep you turning the pages so see what is going on next.

This is one story that the reader will see that almost nothing and no one seems to be who they are. Definitely the reader will be left in a thought provoking state. Now, I will stop here and just say this is one you will have to pick up and see for yourself how well this author brings it all out to the reader.

Be ready for a long read that will have you switching around from scenes to scenes with characters that will have 'things to say in quite a memorable way.' In the end "Blinders Keepers" was just a well written novel for one to sit back and let the insanity unfold.

Thank you to the author for letting me read your novel and my giving a honest opinion of the read.


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url 2016-08-03 23:09
Your favorite authors, reimagined as breakfast cereal mascots

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