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review 2016-10-27 23:13
Say You Remember: book 4 in The Witness Series - Kellie Montgomery,Heather D'Agostino

‘Say You Remember’ by Heather D’ Agostino is the fourth book in the Witness series. It, however, can be read as a stand-alone. I have never read anything by this author before as such I had nothing to make a comparison with. Based on the blurb, however, I was expecting this to be an emotional and entertaining story.

If you had the chance to make amends for mistakes you made in the past would you seize the opportunity or would just let bygones be bygones? Mason Storm, former high school heartthrob, and football player got that chance. The only problem was that Danielle Reed, the woman whom he had wronged eight years ago wants nothing to do with him. How would he get her to hear him out and give him a second chance?

Mason has proven to be a changed person, if only he could convince Danielle of this. She was not making it easy for him to make amends. However, the one thing about Mason that has not changed was his tenacity. He was not willing to lose her again. He was determined to prove to her how much he loved her and how sorry he was about the events that had transpired eight years ago.

Danielle was tough on Mason. I understood how she felt. To be betrayed by the person whom she loved in such a humiliating way. I can understand that such an ordeal would not be easy to get over as such I could relate to her unwillingness to forgive Mason. How can she trust him again? Can her heart be trusted? What proof does she have that he is a changed man?

As you have probably figured out by now this is a story about a second chance at love. I enjoy these types of stories and this book was up my alley. It was told from the POVs of the main characters. I love stories that are written in this fashion as it allows me to see how the story unfolds through their eyes. It helps me to get a feel of what they are experiencing. Another plus for me was the movement between past and present. This allowed me to better relate to the characters. I was privy to the events of their past and what led to them being in their current situation.

The only issue that I had with the story was that I felt that the romance was rushed. After Mason and Danielle resolved their issues mot much time was spent on developing their romance.

‘Say You Remember’ is a beautiful story of second chances, love, healing, and forgiveness. It is a demonstration of how letting go of past hurts will free us to live our lives to the fullest. It also reveals that none of us are perfect and that we all make mistakes. However, what determines our level of growth is how we utilize the lessons learned from these mistakes. Mason’s action proved that he knew what he did was wrong and he had made every effort since then to never repeat it. Dwelling on the past will not secure a better future.

I enjoyed this installment and I would definitely read more from this author.

Review originally posted at



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review 2014-03-02 01:49
Everneath - Brodi Ashton

I loved this book! I put off reading it for so long and I'm super mad at myself for it! 

At first I was completely confused thinking surely there was a book before this one but no the story just starts off after a century in the Everneath which turns out to be six months on the surface (Earth). Needless to say there is some catching up that has to take place and while that can be a slow process in this case it wasn't. I was instantly hooked from chapter one and couldn't stop until the end and now I'm counting down the days till the next installment shows up on my doorstep. Nikki is such a strong and selfless main character, I was dying for her to tell Jack EVERYTHING. While I normally don't like love triangles this one wasn't too bad because I could sense the substance between Jack and Nikki whereas with Cole it was obvious he's a slimeball who's suffering from puppy love. Team Jack all the way!! 

This was a super fast, suck you in, can't catch your breath read. I'm super anxious to start the next book!! Why couldn't I have predicted my love for this book and just buy the whole series?!

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review 2014-01-08 21:27
Eden - Keary Taylor

Oh my goodness this book! I was so confused when searching for this book on Goodreads because it's actually under the name "Eden" evidently it's been revamped into a series since everyone loved it. I don't know if that means the author wrote more or if it was originally longer and she just split it up. Also I love the cover of this edition better, very badass!


The MC, Eve, is so badass and tough and all "I can take care of myself", I really love a strong female lead. The only problem I had with her was her confusion over who she loved and really the only reason it bugged me was because I was sure she would choose the wrong one! I also loved the idea behind the story. That in our quest for immortality humans built something that ended up taking us over and destroying our world. This is actually a real fear of mine or really any dystopian setting. I need to stop reading dystopians...or start doomsday prepping. The story is told from Eve's POV so we follow her along as she struggles to keep the small community of people who she considers family alive. Not long after the start of the book three new people stumble upon Eden (the name of the community) one of them being West who has his own secrets, one of which will make Eve rethink her entire being.


The book is full of action, never feeling dull or slow and as I've already stated the romantic tension of "whose she going to choose" really had me turning the pages. Overall I feel this book was good both for it's action and for it's romance though I feel that it's a little on the heavier side of Romance but I'm okay with that. I'm pretty excited to pick up the next book!

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review SPOILER ALERT! 2013-11-28 04:42
Remember Me - Cheryl Lanham
Remember Me - Cheryl Lanham

 Leí muchas reseñas de este libro donde hablaban y de como los sorprendió el final etcétera por eso me pareció tan raro que yo lo haya sabido desde el principio, lo leí por eso para ser sincera, tengo esta cosa rara de leer libros tristes cuando estoy triste, el final en sí no me sorprendió,lo que no cambia que me haya afectad, porque lo hizo (y mucho). Me sorprendieron los hechos, las cosas que pasaron en el medio. Me fascinó Gabriel, ok el fue el que más me impresionó, nunca me espere que me encariñaría con el tan rápido. Su personalidad, las cosas que hacia, me ayudó a cambiar mi forma de ver las cosas, definitivamente, la idea de observar todo y disfrutar el presento me caló muy profundamente.Al igual que su muerte, puaff parece costumbre mía llorar así, al comienzo del libro pensé que no me iba a afectar tanto, me equivoqué y mucho Gabriel :'c porque se tuvo que morir, que caca. 
Jean también me sorprendió, su evolución, al principio fue lo que esperaba. 
En conclusión el libro me gustó mucho, pero demasiado corto, me hubiera algo más extenso me hubiera gustado saber más de la relación platónica de Jeane y Gabriel, me enamore de su amistad y amor.

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review 2013-09-07 00:00
Remember Me (Rosewood Trilogy Series #1)
Remember Me - Laura Moore 3.5 Stars
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