Title: Brooklyn Streets Meet Wall Street
Author: James Jimmy Richardson
Publisher: Createspace Independent Publishing Platform
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Rating: Four
"Brooklyn Streets Meet Wall Street
My Thoughts....
I found this read 'interesting, riveting, entertaining. thought provoking with plenty of drama' that will keep you turning the pages to see what will be coming next for Josh Robinson in this urban fiction read. It was a good read about this African American whose dream came true for him as he is given a chance to work with financial investments on 'Wall Street' and getting most of all what he wanted in life and that was wearing a suit. However, in doing so Josh will be presented with some 'mistakes, struggles and tough choices' before he is able to get to where he wants to be in life. This author does a good job in giving the reader a good description of how it was to grow up in Brooklyn, NY really poor having to struggle very hard making it, with crime being all around dealing with murder, drugs that seem to bring out a hard world of violence. How was Josh able to be away from all of the violence that was around him and have the life he really wanted? To find out the answers to that question and so much more you will have to pick up this novel to see how well this author brings it all out to the readers. The reader will be given a well developed, portrayed and with believable characters that will keep one entertained in this well written story of 'high finance and even a sweet romance.'