When I noticed this book, I was happy. I've enjoyed A. American's Survivalist Series and while I have not read the fifth book, Resurrecting Home, yet, figured that a novella would be a sure a thing.
I was wrong.
I am so very disappointed in A. American (known as Angery American). While I enjoyed getting to know Charlie and the other characters in the world originally created by The Survivalist Series, I was furious to find American and Browning put out what amounts to a serial instead of a novella. Even more furious when reading their explanation of perhaps there will be more of Charlie if readers respond well.
I am giving this novella 4 stars because the characters were well developed and in an era of independent authors putting out (and charging people for) works that are not edited. Then I am taking away three stars for not putting out even a finished novella. A. American is a decent author, he did not have to stoop to this despicable tactic. Shame, A. American and Walt Browning, SHAME.