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url 2020-07-13 12:17
#StayAtHome 28 Days Workout Plan Shapes You Stronger & Fitter

Workout regime! A strict diet plan! No-equipment workout! Workout at home! –Words are many to hum in your mind and relate you if you have always been into fitness. Notwithstanding the situation and busy day-to-day schedule, you can possess a figure with toned muscle if you maintain a stern 28 days or 4 week at home workout plan. Balancing between a busy schedule of home and work is not less than handling Pandora’s Box. If you are the one out of those busy men or women want to stay fit and healthy amid in the busy schedule then doing exercises at home can work as a savior for you.

Source: aelady.com/stay-at-home-28-days-4-weeks-workout-plan-and-program-without-equipment-for-male-female
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review 2020-06-06 14:30
The Shapes of Midnight
The Shapes of Midnight - Joseph Payne Brennan

by Joseph Payne Brennan


This is a collection of short stories that was originally published in 1980, but re-released and I hadn't seen it before or heard of the author. There was some fairly gruesome Horror, but presented with unusual perspectives and very well-written.


The first story, Diary of a Werewolf, definitely grabbed my attention and made me wonder what else lay in store through the collection. This was followed by an original take on a zombie theme, clueing me in that we were going to cover several sub-genres of Horror before we were done.


The stories are generally of a high calibre and cover a variety of supernatural entities as well as the odd murder story, always with a creep factor. It's hard to choose a stand-out in a collection all written by the same author, but The Willow Platform stuck in my mind and Horror at Chiltern Castle was a truly horrific tale in the Gothic vein. I liked the final story too, which was a time slip called The House on Hazel Street.


Overall a very good collection.

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review SPOILER ALERT! 2020-05-25 08:01
The Equations of Life by Charles S. Cockell
The Equations of Life: How Physics Shapes Evolution - Charles S. Cockell

TITLE:  The Equations of Life: The Hidden Rules Shaping Evolution


AUTHOR:  Charles S. Cockell




FORMAT:  Paperback


ISBN-13:   9781786493040



"A groundbreaking new view on the theory of evolution, arguing that life develops in predictable ways.
We are all familiar with the popular idea of strange alien life wildly different from life on earth inhabiting other planets. Maybe it's made of silicon! Maybe it has wheels! Or maybe it doesn't. In The Equations of Life, biologist Charles S. Cockell makes the forceful argument that the laws of physics narrowly constrain how life can evolve, making evolution's outcomes predictable. If we were to find on a distant planet something very much like a lady bug eating something like an aphid, we shouldn't be surprised. The forms of life are guided by a limited set of rules, and as a result, there is a narrow set of solutions to the challenges of existence.
A remarkable scientific contribution breathing new life into Darwin's theory of evolution, The Equations of Life makes a radical argument about what life can--and can't--be.





In The Equations of Life, Cockell demonstrates that biology is dependent on, and thus constrained by, physics.  The book starts off examining the social life of ants, moves on to studying how all the basic anatomy units and habits of a ladybug are constructed in accordance with the laws of physics, to the movement of moles through soil, birds through the air,  and why animals don't have wheels or propellers.  Cockell also examines why life is cellular, the various properties of cells and their particular building blocks (lipid membranes, DNA/RNA, amino acids, respiration, enzymatic reactions, the molecules and also atoms of life), why water is the solvent for life rather than something else (benzene? ammonia?), and if life can be based on something other than carbon.  A few equations are thrown in to demonstrate a concept but there is nothing difficult to understand in this book.  A fascinating perspective on evolution and physics written in an engaging manner.


PS:  I love this cover.  All those delicious equations, molecular structures and mathematical formulae etc.


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review 2019-11-09 21:59
Biased: Uncovering the Hidden Prejudice That Shapes What We See, Think, and Do - Jennifer Lynn Eberhardt
Biased: Uncovering the Hidden Prejudice That Shapes What We See, Think, and Do - Jennifer Lynn Eberhardt

Eberhardt has been working at Stanford for 30 years now, uncovering the roots of systemic racism via social science. Together with other researchers she has performed a lot of studies and learned and published. One focus of her work has been in using social science to address pressing social problems. In this book she takes all her years of research and expertise and lays it all out for the non-academic reader.

If you're not up on implicit bias it is the part that we all have picked up on regardless of our explicit ideas or beliefs. It kicks in faster than thought and slips in under our mental radar. It's why police shoot unarmed black boys, why they stop more people of color driving, it's why fewer African American and Hispanic children are labelled gifted and are more likely to have the school cop called on them for minor infractions. It's much more than that, too.
But there's the best part: Eberhardt knows how to short circuit it. There's a reason why people call them "genius" grants even if the MacArthur Foundation never does.

Engrossing, insightful, and with luck, truly helpful. We can all do better and this book is a first step for many. Brilliant.

Library copy

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text 2019-07-09 09:30
Important Things to Know About Non-Standard Window Shapes

Your home should look exactly like you want it to look. These days, everything is possible to create if you have enough imagination, money and time. Or, if you don’t have time, you can trust it to a designer. You deserve to have a home of your dream where every item can be as you want.


However, these items should not only be stylish but functional as well. Sometimes, the construction is very difficult and should be thought over very well to not only be a decoration but a useable thing too. Amon such things are windows.


The Challenges of Non-Standard Windows

Triangular, arched, round or whatever-else-shaped windows are very popular among creative house owners. They are visible not only from the inside but from the outside as well and give the entire building a certain style. But their creation and installation can become a challenge.


First, they often have many details that need to be crafted by hand. This requires high skill, more efforts and, logically, will be more expensive and will take more time. Second, a non-standard shape may create an unbalanced strain over the attachment which creates risks in the exploitation of such windows.


Of course, everything is possible. There are systems that can be adjusted to the unusual shape of the window without a loss of its full functionality. Moreover, such windows can be a part of a smart system that allows distant operations of the windows. But all of this can be possible only if you choose a trusted company for window installation


How to Reduce the Risks of Malfunction

Unfortunately, very often it happens that a custom window isn’t properly installed and can lose its functionality. To avoid such problems, follow the tips below before you install your non-standard windows.


Consult a window specialist

When the very image of your dream windows has shaped in your mind, get in touch with a window specialist for a consultation. The windows of your dreams can have certain restrictions in installment, and you should be aware of them.


You should have all the drawings and guarantee

As you sign the contract with the company, save a right to have the drawings for your windows for yourself. Also, they should give you a guarantee for the windows. This will be an argument if a company fails to create the windows that meet your demands.


Don’t believe if they promise to manufacture them quickly

Non-standard functional windows cannot be created fast. Above we have already explained why. If they tell you they can do it - look for somebody else. This can be done only with a violation of technology, and you don’t need that. 


Be prepared to get disappointed

Sometimes, a window of your dreams just can’t be the one that opens. There are so many details in the functioning of the windows and some ideas can be implemented in a window only as a purely decorative element. But sometimes it’s not a problem unless it is important for you that the window should open.


Don’t be afraid to dream big - it may cost much and be challenging but the result will be totally worth it!

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