Paris agreement strategically deals with the greenhouse gas emissions mitigation, finance, and adaptation as well. It was sanctioned in 2016.
Paris agreement strategically deals with the greenhouse gas emissions mitigation, finance, and adaptation as well. It was sanctioned in 2016.
Rating: 4.5* of five
Don't kid yourselves, it's a big fat honkin' deal when I review a collection of poetry with almost five stars. I'm not a poetry-first kind of an old queen. It's really important to remember that when I say I would sit and listen to this poem cycle being read or (preferably) sung Lied-style to me.
I will seek this young woman's poetry out in future. Yes, you read that right: I'll go buy other books she writes with my very few United States dollars. Read my review, then go buy this collection, to see why you should too.
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